W30 + IF?

kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
Anyone else do IF while in a W30? I do, and it seems to be frowned upon by "official" W30'ers, even though it's not outright forbidden.
This was a reply I wrote in one of the threads:
I think W30 or not, IF offers a lot of advantages for people, from those various studies showing improved insulin sensitivity, nutrient partitioning, craving management, cell repair, etc.

And these are also benefits that W30 is meant to confer.

The rationale I've seen regarding sticking to a standard breakfast/lunch/dinner schedule seem to be (a) hormonal and metabolic benefits and (b) social convention.
So I figure (a) is redundant because these same benefits occur with IF (according to my understanding of the data) and (b) is only a concern if you have some anxiety issue with sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee while other people eat toast and eggs.

I also usually do the LeanGains style of IF which includes fasted training and the largest meal of the day occurring post-workout.

Anyhoo, to tie this in with my comment in the other thread, I figure Whole30 tells me what to eat, IF tells me when to eat.
