Day 18: Friday, 10-10-14



  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    I was able to hit all my goals yesterday. Particularly happy about jogging the entire 2 miles again (two times in a row now).

    Goals for Day 18

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Strength training

    The weekend will be a challenge to stay within goals (typically is for me). But I will put it in a strong effort to keep it going.

    Two more days until the next weigh in. We got this!
  • stephbroadbelt
    stephbroadbelt Posts: 9 Member
    Day 17:
    Logged, stayed under calories. Finally started C25K! Such a nice day for running after work. Just bought a FitBit, so I'm excited for that to come in so I can work on increasing my steps throughout the day at my boring desk job.

    Day 18:
    Going to a retirement party for a coworker of my boyfriend's tonight, so no time for exercising, and it's gonna be hard to log everything I eat or drink. But! I was pretty good at work today, so I shouldn't go over too badly.

    Doing Week 1 Day 2 tomorrow, and planning some meals ahead to stay good this weekend after the atrocity of my calorie count last Sunday ;)

    Hoping to stay even from last weigh in - I'm sure I've been up and down all week.
  • Shirotora88
    I have been a bad girl this week, I have lied on my dairies, in reality I have been eating pizza chips and chocolate today is my first day in a while where I am being honest.. I may not make my goal weight but I actually feel I will do it :smile:
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Got a flu shot today. Will be going above my calories by 300. Day 19, be nice to me.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Such a difference to post in the evening instead of the morning.
    I got my exercersise done, squats, bench and rows... All went great food wise as well.
    My ego got a little hurt because I got my body analysis done today and I'm at 38% body fat, it's not that bad, but was hoping for a 35% :(
    Hope to feel better after the weigh in tomorrow. Our second milestone coincides with my monthly picture progress day so fingers crossed!
    Let's all have a great weekend and blast our group weight loss to over 500lb!!!!!!