Not on vacation anymore...

So, we got back from vacation on Tuesday, but I am just getting to the point where I am feeling next to normal. I still lost 6 and 1/2 pounds, but that has got me back to where I started when I started Fitness pal. There was so much going on last weekend, that I was surprised that I lost anything. All the walking we did helped.
My dog's foot got infected, because a piece of dry grass stuck her. We had to pay about $120 to get it treated. Then, we went to the San Diego Zoo and to Legoland. We came home and went to a trampoline park called Get Air, and a big guy fell on Mary's leg. She sprained her knee, but it isn't that bad. I get to bring her and Alex to the doctor on Monday. Alex has had a persistant cough for 3-4 weeks now.
Also, we are now in the red and are on a strict budget. So, we cut a bunch of things that were just extra stuff that we don't need. It was nice going to Celine's, because they only live off what Raul makes unless absolutely necessary. A good learning experience in what you need.
Side note: I am just going to comment this one time on Gabby getting married. The good thing: no more need to worry about the wedding, she's not my problem anymore. The bad thing: she won't be able to just go back to confession to be good with the Catholic Church. So, I just thank God that I don't have to think about it anymore and just pray that God works in her heart to give her the right direction toward Him...
So, I am happy to go back to simplicity. I am now homeschooling Mary Kindergarten, because she won't be getting in pre-school. John will be the only one in a regular school. No credit cards, less distraction, and more time with the kids...
God is working in my life, so I will try my best to serve him the best I can...
Hope you are all doing well too...