Surgery Tuesday

KLFouty Posts: 7 Member
I have been doing my liquid diet since last Monday. I've lost 10.1 pounds but I'm not going to lie - I would love just a single nacho.. Not sure why I'm craving that over anything else. I had a minor break down today - just couldn't stop crying and worrying about surgery. Only 2 more days! Any words of wisdom?


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My last night before surgery (9/30) was pretty rough in the house. I was having some pre-surgery jitters, which led me to worry my kids much more than was necessary. When I got to the hospital, I realized how 'routine' the surgery was to everyone in the hospital except for me! That really helped me calm down and the talk with the surgeon just prior to going to the OR really helped as well. Things certainly can go wrong, but they don't, and they won't for you!

    Get a good night's sleep Monday night and have a good mental attitude Tuesday morning. You'll do great!


  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Im having my sleeve on the 16th, so I feel for you! I am not required to be on a liquid diet before my surgery. 2 weeks before we are required to not consume potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, of course any "junk" sweets and even natural sweets. The "natural" sweets (fruits) will be slowly incorporated into our daily diet as time passes. The day before I must only have clear liquids and the "required" diet is post-op although he said he wouldn't care if we wanted thanks, Ill get enough of that wonderful diet after! :grinning:
  • elifusa
    elifusa Posts: 45 Member
    I had the sleeve on the 2nd. You will do just fine. There are FANTASTIC DRUGS, so you get relaxed and then you do in, you fall asleep and then you wake up and go to your room to get, EVEN MORE DRUGS!

    It's very routine, and if you keep to what your doctor has said as a recovery regimen you should be fine.

    Much luck to you!