October 16,2014

wennim Posts: 276 Member
I no one minds I think I will start the daily today since I am here.

I ran into someone the other day that I haven't seen in years. They didn't comment on weightloss but they did comment on my "personality change". They remembered me as being very quiet and reserved and always uncomfortable. Just very unsure of myself in general. Now they said I seemed so confident and happy. Its weird but they are right. Even though I am still a very large girl I do feel more confident. I feel like if I can lose this weight I can do anything. I am pretty sure we all know at least one larger person where you kind of look past the fat because their personality just outshines it. I don't think I will ever get that far but I do know that as I have lost I have become more willing to speak to people and voice my opinions.

Has anyone else noticed changes in personality along with the physical changes at different weights?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I have to say I've matured over the years, and become stronger again since I kicked my EX to the curb permanently, but I've always kind of been the sassy, goofy, unconventional type. I was less confident about it, I suppose, in high school and my early 20's, but going with the flow has never been my way. I find myself becoming more of a female witch as I go, at least as far as others are concerned, because with every pound I banish, I become more assertive and self-prioritizing, if that makes sense.

    Members of my family freaking hate me because I was a doormat for almost 20 years of adulthood, then decided to stand up for myself. They didn't like me telling them to stuff their drama. But according to my fiance, I'm still not as strong and self-assured and assertive as I should be. He lovingly tells me I have a bleeding heart and am gullible because of it.

    But I refuse not to care about the world just because I care about myself, so the balance is mine. I'm just becoming far more outspoken about the things I love, protect, and believe in. But that is more to do with my mental journey than my physical one.

    Carly in Oklahoma (Not that I don't crack up at being called Knit, but the name's there if you wanna use it...lol)
  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    Plenty of changes going on around here. It's really shaking up my marriage and making me a better mom.

    One thing I've realized is that I've let my husband treat me for a log time, and I just don't have any patience for it anymore. I call him on it, EVERY time now. It's been very eye opening for both of us. I don't know if that has to do with losing weight, or just getting older, but they're happening at the same time, so probably a combination of both. We're seeing a marriage counselor, and that's helping a lot. But, as our kids are approaching teen years, I'm just so struck by how important attitudes are, and how important it is for me to stand up for myself and model that for my kids.

    I'm having kind of a reverse of the outwardly confident thing though. I always was that boisterous person that people looked past the fat, I guess. But, now, I'm much more selective about who I let in. Maybe it's because I'm feeling more vulnerable but confident at the same time. Is that even possible? LOL. I guess my stronger sense of who I am is giving me less patience to put up with BS, but allowing me to relax and not "put on a show" and just be me.

    Caring for yourself is hard work. I wish I'd figured this out a looong time ago.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    My marriage ended, in small part due to the changes I made to and for myself. I do not feel any shame or guilt about this. My ex decided he wanted out before I did. He didn't want to have to work hard at our marriage. We were both lazy, fat people. And now, I'm thrilled I don't have that baggage hauled around in a backpack with me.

    And I agree on modeling behavior for the kids. Do as I say, not as I do NEVER works with children. No matter the age. Not in the long run.

    Being more vulnerable and more confident is definitely possible. Being confident doesn't mean you are impermeable. It just means you feel good in your own skin. Where we are, it is still a very shaky confidence for most people.

    I, too, wish I had learned long ago not just how difficult it is to care for yourself, but how critically it affects literally EVERYTHING in one's life!!!
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hmm might come back to this. Having a tricky couple of days. Have had to have words with the Mr about supporting me in weightloss means permenantly ordering takeout is a little innapropriate and my interviews tomorrow so a little stressed out
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Definitely some positive attitude and personality changes with the weight loss. Not everything has changed but I definitely notice the confidence, the happiness. I am much happier and more content (who knows if that will stay but I will enjoy it while it is here). I certainly notice how I feel when I do not exercise or can't because of work. That was never a part of my personality in the past.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Pat did you get a hair cut yet? With all your progress and clothes sorting I hope you did! x
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Ummm...... yeah haircut.... I keep saying I will...
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Do it!! lol Come on, you are nearly at 100lbs gone. When you get there you need to get your hair done.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Not to mention you might get an extra pound gone with that haircut, depending on how long it is! LOL
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think my sense.of humour has definitely returned as the weight has dropped. I'd.gotten in a bit of a cycle with depression and weight making each other worse. Now my.heads in a better place the weights coming.off with less effort which in turn has made me.happier so fingers crossed the cycle is working in reverse now. I've had several colleagues comment how great it is to see the old.me back mentally. Now.I'm.Aiming.for the old.me.physically too