Day 25: Friday, October 17, 2014



  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Continuing to keep it simple by limiting sodium intake, keeping calories down, and getting enough water. I'm not feeling up to the gym just yet, but maybe later today I'll be more on board.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    So excited i hit the over 50 lb loss mark. Not feeling well today but hoping i can get my calories in and drink my water. Water seems to be the only thing that tastes good. Just decided to take on a new job so hoping it help me keep up with meeting my calorie goals. It was hard with my other job would work 5 hour shifts with no breaks to eat.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    it's a happy Friday. I started the day right, got in my weight-training session, and my walk. And I drank 8 glasses of water today. So, all good.

    I've been thinking to take up another type of exercise to add to my 1 day a week, Aqua class, and weight training. I looked at my gym's fall schedule and found a kettlebell class - but, (sigh) - it's offered at the same time as my Aqua class. So, still trying to decide an additional routine. (ho-hum)...

    Eating has gone well today, It's day 30 of my no-grains diet and yes - I'm celebrating tonight. A friend is coming over - I'm baking butternut squash (and a potato for her) *vegetarian*, and for me, it'll be squash with a side of smoked salmon. And, first time this month - an ice-cream bar for dessert! Yeah, how I've missed ice-cream - but I've logged in my foods and I can fit it in tonight, and remain under carb/calories - so celebration! :)

    All good, Happy Friday!
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Hmm...It's friday!! Football game tonight...But a c25k run before that! And yesterday I made 2 dinners for freezing so, don't have to cook tonight!!! YAY!
    More water is going to continue to be goal. I can't seem to get enough in. I'm just not thirsty. Maybe I need to work up more of a sweat to rectify this issue!! LOL
    More working out!!
    More sleep!!!!