Motivations and Plans

Hey guys! I'm new to this so i figured i would start a topic. If anyone has any advice or ideas about how they are going to loose the 40 would be amazing help for me! Also if anyone needs help with motivation etc we can all post here. :)


  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    Well, Halloween is just under 23weeks away meaning to get to 40lbs we'll have to lose just under 2lbs/week. This is pretty much been how things have been progressing for me the last 4 weeks. My schedule is as follows;

    Mon: C25K (30min)
    Tue: NRoL4W (30min + 15 warmup/cooldown)
    Wed: C25K
    Thur: NRoL4W
    Fri: C25K
    Sat: NRoL4W
    Sun: Not a damn thing!

    For those who don't know, C25K is the couch to 5K running program. I have an app on my phone that progresses me through it, but there are schedules you can print out from the web and take to the gym as well.

    NROL4W is New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a fantastic book and lifting program for beginners. I HIGHLY recommend it.

    My cal goal is set to about 1800, and even though that's set for me to lose only 1lb/wk I've been successful at this number so I'm gonna stay there until I begin to stall. Once I do, I'll set it to 1600 which is my actual 1.5lb/wk goal.

    I eat pretty balanced, not ortho clean mega diet, but lots of fruits, veg, whole wheat bread and meat. So I'll stick with that and I think I can achieve this goal!

    As a caveat though, if I stall out for a while my plan is to start eating at TDEE for a few weeks then start again. I'm doing this the healthy way no matter what!

    Good luck to all of you!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Slow and steady for me, basically the same as Shauna, I know these last 20ish lbs are going to be killer to get off but just going to take it one day at a time. It took me about 10 months to get off the first 35lbs but there was also thanksgiving and christmas so I am hoping with no major holidays from now till october I can really stay on track.

    I am starting grad school in the fall but hopefully the habits I have made in this past 10 months will stick with me and I won't gain weight!

    anyways my motivation is my halloween costume! FINALLY I am going to a halloween party and this is what I want to go as.... :)

  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    My plan is to follow my eating plan and stick to my calorie goal of 1400/1600 and keep up my exercising.

    I don't have an actual exercise routine. I wake up, assess how I feel, decide what I feel like doing and which dvd I want to do, and then I get to it. But I think I'll try to stick to doing my higher intensity stuff on days I don't work and doing barre workouts, fun cardio, and yoga on the days that I do work.

    If I'm lucky, the weight will keep coming off. Even if I don't lose 40 or anywhere near it, I can lose ten pounds and that'd still be great.
  • kathyrazz
    kathyrazz Posts: 52 Member
    I set my calorie target at 1500 but don't count the milk I add to coffee (2-3/day) so I'm closer to a 1600 calorie/day level. During the week I'll be doing:

    3 x NROLFW
    3 x running (training for my second half marathon in the fall)
    1 x yoga

    Right now I'm not running (trying to recover from a plantar fasciitis..ouch) so am doing a bootcamp and more yoga/pilates for the month of June, but starting July 1 my schedule will go back to the one above.

    My biggest hurdle will be to face tired/emotional eating bad habits!!!
  • wpbmommy1
    wpbmommy1 Posts: 58 Member
    My plan started with me cutting out soda, candy, white bread and white rice.
    Instead of soda I've been drinking La Croix sparkling water, no candy, and choosing wheat bread and brown rice. I am eating far less bread and rice though because I am trying to be more low carb.

    I try to exercise at least once a day.
    I've been switching everything up so I don't get bored.
    JM 30 day shred, CJ Turbo Jam, ST Hip Hop Abs, CardioSalsa, Zumba. Not really following a single program, just trying to stay in motion.
    I also admit that on days when I just don't feel like doing anything, I fire up the Netflix, turn on Fringe, and walk 3.5 mph during the entire show, ramping it up a little to 5 mph for a minute or so every 10 minutes.

    My biggest obstacle is my own weak will. Saying no to the foods I love make me very grumpy. My plan of action for that is to go shopping and be prepared for what I will eat at each meal and during snack time.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    I started taking Bar Method classes every weekday since it's less than a block away from my workplace. I'm also starting some light lifting. I'm only on a 500 cal deficit since I'm really using my muscles and I don't want to lose them, but the change in my body is already noticeable. As far as diet, I'm just trying to stay away from the empty calories.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Well right now I'm doing 30 day shred..I'm on day 11on Cardio days I do hip hop abs level 2....I might change it up later..I want to try jogging but I don't know...any advice????
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I've lost just over a 100lbs so far. I do a variety of things and am always changing it up. I started with walking, swimming and Aquafit classes and then progressed to C25K and the elliptical. I still do a lot of walking, several different fitness videos, and added my new favourite, kickboxing, a few months ago. I've been thinking about NROLFW and joined the group. Food wise, I just try to run at a deficit. Period. If I feel like eating healthy, I do, but I often indulge in the odd chocolate bar or bag of baked potato chips. Sometimes I eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, sometimes only 1. I have played around with IF, and have found it very effective.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    40 pounds by Halloween is a seriously lofty goal, but I'd sure like to come as close as possible. I plan to just keep on keepin' on. Unfortunately, the gym I've been attending for Zumba classes and strength training is closing on 5/31. I still take Zumba somewhere else twice a week and will be purchasing some weights so that I can continue strength training at home. If the weather EVER cooperates, I'll also add in swimming for the next couple of months.
  • kathyrazz
    kathyrazz Posts: 52 Member
    RedRita if you've never run before you'd get GREAT results from starting a running program. Just don't start too fast..I followed a Running Room program (that might just be in Canada though..I have no idea) to get started, but most people on here mention the C25K program and they've had good results with that. Good luck!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I have also joined the Summer Calorie Crusher Challenge, which is only about burning calories. I figure the 2 should go well together. I use the Nordic Trak skier, walk, 30 DS and I am starting to ride my bike.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks kathyrazz!!! For replying...I heard about c25k before but didn't really know what it was..Lol I'll look into it!! :) I have read that running isn't very fast for weight loss..lots have said that it took a month or more to start seeing pounds coming this true??
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I started taking Bar Method classes every weekday since it's less than a block away from my workplace. I'm also starting some light lifting. I'm only on a 500 cal deficit since I'm really using my muscles and I don't want to lose them, but the change in my body is already noticeable. As far as diet, I'm just trying to stay away from the empty calories.

    What changes have you noticed in your body? I'm also kinda doing the Bar Method and other ballet/barre style workouts and a bit of lifting at home. But I'm really curious about the full extent of the Bar Method on changing the body. I have one of the dvds and plan to get another soon.