Loving the little improvements?

Yesterday was an interesting test. Spent all day at six flags and had to figure out what to eat since you are not allowed to bring in food. I was very proud of myself. I made sure to stay hydrated and take my time with all the walking, hills, stairs and migrating those for 10+ hours. As for food, I stuck to chicken only as I knew i would need tons of protein in order to make it through the day. Plus it was the only semi-healthy thing they really had there.It's times like these that make me notice how much I have truly changed. Before I would be scarfing down funnel cakes and all the crap I could get my hands on thinking "i'm walking it off so whats the harm." Yet yesterday all i was thinking "I would love if they have a "healthy" vending machine where I could buy a protein shake." Loving the little improvements I see.


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    You did awesome! I do allow myself a little leeway when on vacation and gettting in all the extra walking and activity, but what I've noticed is that I'm much less interested in those "food" things when I travel now and may have a bit of something, but never seem to worry about finishing it or having more. Since I can now fit in the t-shirts and sweatshirts and such, that's what I find myself gravitating towards when traveling. Rather spend my money on that than all the food like the funnel cakes, fudge and things you don't get at home. I agree, I too love the improvements!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    It is so cool to not just identify every activity with the food as the main attraction.