
I wish that I could have a break, but it seems like that never happens. Once we feel caught-up, everything seems to go crazy again. It seems like things haven't stopped over here since the end of June. The stress is giving me insomnia, and that isn't helping. I know Lance is worried about me, but he can't make my mind from thinking about the crazy going on. Man, the military can really do a mind-^*@! on you... Anyway, I am actually handing it a ton better than I would otherwise.
I know that all this is what is causing me lose weight slow. I usually can lose 2 pounds a week, but that is almost impossible with the stress. I wish I could discuss everything going on with people, but that's another perk of being a military wife, no support with things people can't know about...
So, I went to Mass today, because it was the feast day of St. John of the Cross, and b/c Lance had to fly tonight. It is nice when he can stay home with the kids for a half hour. It was a good Mass, focusing on trying not to live for the world but for Christ. It gives people a ton of perspective when Christmas is coming up.
We are practically broke this Christmas, so we won't be handing out many gifts if any at all...
I want to thank Amy and Marie for joining me on this, since it is always nice to have people to encourage me when I am so far away from home...