Warriors - Chat (10/23-10/29)

writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Looking forward to another good show...and this time getting to watch it live finally! (And getting home before 8pm for once :) But bummed it will only be 1 hour yet again.

Commercial Challenge:

In honor of tonight's episode named the drop:

I can't remember what these are called. You bend your knees & jump in the air throwing your arms above your head. As you land back on your feet, you keep bending your knees and touch the ground with your hands and then immediately push back up with your legs to a jump with your arms overhead...and cycle.

Note from Cycletrak1: Basketball Jumps is what INSANITY calls these:
You bend your knees and bend over touching the floor (like picking up a basket ball) and jumping up with hands over head (like throwing the ball into the basket). Then down again, bending knees, touch floor, and repeat.

Harder Version:
When you land & bend your knees to touch the ground with your hands, instead of going straight back into a jump, you punch your legs out into a pushup, then back to your hands and then back up into the jump...and cycle.

If you have bad knees or something, find an alteration like wall "squat" holds or something.


  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    a burpee?
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    Do have bad knees, will think of an alternative. T minus 40 minutes, lets get the party started.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited October 2014
    Basket Ball Jumps is what INSANITY calls these.

    You bend your knees, legs apart, and bend over touching the floor (like picking up a basket ball) and jumping up with hands over head (like throwing it into the basket). Then down again, bending knees, touch floor, and repeat.

  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    Okay so comeback canyon surprised me last night but I am excited to see the girls compete next week especially sine they both did not lose much...domino effect continues.

    Really like how quarterback guy...can't remember his name lead the red team this week. I think the exercise segments are my fav part of show. Still loving Lori, she's awesome!

    My challenge was dancing around with kids during commercials...being silly can burn calories :) its funny though cause my kids always say what's our challenge tonight and always beat mom!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Did the "basketball jump" challenge during commercials.

    So happy the Blue Team won their Trainer, all three held strong! Sad they lost the overall weight-loss. :(

    Comeback Canyon will be interesting next week having 2 Blue Team Members.

    The Blue Team is dwindling!

    Damian lost 5 pounds this week and he's still there!

  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited October 2014
    a burpee?

    No, I believe it's a "Basketball Jump" as there is no mention of a plank.

    A Burpee involves a plank position, then back up.

  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I did 15 burpees and 10 box jumps each commercial; I was surprised with how well the red team did having no trainer compared to the blue team who had there trainer! I am NOT liking these 1 hour episodes; it is making hard to connect!!! Happy with my white team kinda worried about this Thursday's episode though from the trailer....
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I still don't like the one hour episodes, I ended up walking up & down the basement stairs during commercials, I'm in a ton of pain from wandering Shawshank last night at the haunted house, I didn't see something while we were walking outside to get in line, and down I went, knees & elbows scraped up like a little kid & while we were walking inside, my hip joints started aching, however, I did exceed my step goal, I'm not sure exactly how far we walked inside, but I'm pretty sure it was over a mile. (Shawshank is the Mansfield Reformatory, where parts of the movie was filmed)
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Just finished watching the show online and did the jumps. Not my favourite exercise though but I did it!!! :D It will be interesting to see what happens to the blue team next week.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Did the jumps in the advert breaks. I am still wondering who will stay at Comeback more than 2 weeks.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Still haven't watched the show. Should get it done tomorrow PM
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Okay, I finally finished watching last week's episode!

    I did the basketball jumps during the commercials and now I'm covered in sweat! I'm going to try and type this really fast so I have time for a shower before my youngest wakes up. Haha.

    I was very surprised that the blue team lost again as they had their trainer all week. I'm not a fan of theirs and I wasn't sad to see them lose another member. What happens if they lose again next week. Does the last member join the red or white team? Or do they receive one-on-one training for the remainder of their time there.

    I was expecting Matt to win comeback canyon as (in general) it seems like the men have an easier time producing big numbers.

    I can't believe we've already watched 7 weeks of TBL!
  • StevieB13
    StevieB13 Posts: 16 Member
    So happy to see the blues win a challenge, but can't believe they've lost another member. Jessie mentioned looking at their exercise, but I reckon he needs to look at the diets !!!

    Rob might at last stop moaning (I hope) now he has had a good weight loss?

    Loved the challenge this week, but was surprised how the men seemed to be giving up quicker than the ladies.

    Did wall squats, because I do have dodgy knees, hips and generally wobbly legs - but "hey" no excuses here on the BL challenge, contestants wouldn't get away with it !!!!
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