I look like I've been beaten up!

toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
My bruising is awful. I have neat bruising on both shoulders and collar bone. I also have bruising on my thighs and shins! I seriously look like I've been beaten up lol It's a good job it's not summer. How do you cope with the bruising and how the hell do these athletes look smooth skinned? Can't see any bruising on them at all. It's the only down side to using the barbell.


  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    edited October 2014
    They are still bruised. someone may edit their pictures to wisk away the bruising. in fact, I saw a pic of camille and she had a HUGE bruise on her leg. in another version of the same picture it was gone! Damn photoshop....

    as far the location of the bruising you described, you are clearly letting the barbell slam on your shoulders and collar bone (front squat, thursters, cleans?) personally I would stay at that weight until you can control it so its not hitting you. I find that if I use a weight that is new or heavy, or if I jump to another weight, im more likely to do things like let it slam into my collar done. you may be doing it and not even realizing it. I used to get neat bruises on the top on my thighs until I simply started dropping the barbell rather than bring it down on my legs. no more bruises!
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Yeah I am. Your so right.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Actually, I've just worked out what it is. Watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa8_SXhe4EU and realized I'm catching the bar with my elbows too low, so it falls on/below my collarbone.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I have found that as time has gone on that I don't bruise as easy anymore either.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    What ascrit says. I usually hit the bar with my thighs in the hip thrust in Olympic lifts and sometimes causes bruising, and I also used to get bruising on my collar bone and delts from the catch.

    That's mostly stopped now though. And tbh, I intentionally work on controlling the bar LESS in the catch because I end up trying to bicep curl it and forget all about my elbows so for me working on snapping my elbows up and letting it slam down is beneficial -at the moment-.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    But don't think you are going to escape bruises and little injuries altogether. You are doing something physical. You are always going to have a little scrape or bump, or tendonitis, or strain, or something, somewhere.
    That is just how it goes.
    But, hey, people who just sit safe on a couch face worse physical liabilities.
  • jonisteenhoek
    jonisteenhoek Posts: 92 Member
    Any day we have lifts involved I end up bruised up pretty bad. It's probably not a great thing, but I'm all right with it....I show them off to all my friends, it makes me feel super strong :blush:
  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    I was going to say, the collarbone and shoulders are probably mostly needing to have faster elbows, although my left collarbone always bruises when we have a very high volume of cleans (probably because my elbows get slower as I get tired).

    I can't help you much with the shins. I just gave up and always having a bruise or scab. Knee socks or sleeves help a little bit.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Yeah I know i'll have some sort of bruising but just want to try an minimize it. It doesn't help that I bruise easy anyway. From the mon - weds I was doing all kinds of heavy lifting, plus lifiting in the wods too. So probably would have got bruising anyway even if I didn't let it slam.
  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    You can also buy some Arnica gel to put on the bruises; that may help them fade faster.
    If you bruise *really* easily, you could potentially be low on certain vitamins... I think Vitamin C and K are the main deficiencies associated with bruising.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Ah thanks for that. Yeah I had the arnica tablets after I had my daughter by c-section. Will see if my local shop has the gel.