PCOS friends?!

Does anyone else have PCOS? I have my yearly appt with ob doc this Friday and have several things that I was planning to discuss with her but wanted to see if anyone out here deal with it also.

I am hoping its contributed to the PCOS but am prepared to be told its mental but are carb cravings real?? I have had intense carb cravings about 1-2 weeks now. Weight has been up/down the same 5lbs. Not drinking water like I should but thats on me.

I have previously tried metformin for treatment but the GI side effects were horrible and I could not stand it then. But I was 80lbs heavier and eating very unhealthy foods so I think I am finally ready to try it again. Though my insulin and A1C levels were within normal limits back in April of this year.

Stupid hair on face, cramps, cravings, water retention, cystic acne on face flaring up.


  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    No PCOS here, but I know lots of women who have it.

    But, I have carb cravings, and have tried Metformin as well. I had an A1C reading of 6% one time, when I was dealing with a massive kidney stone and was in partial kidney failure last year. My levels had been under 5 before and since, and yet that physician declared me "diabetic" based on that one reading. (I've since been reassured that's an invalid diagnosis...)

    So, I went on Metformin last year, and while I didn't have the GI side effects, I honestly had no noticeable results and only took it for a couple of months before stopping. I know people who swear it helps with weight loss, and I also know people who swear it prohibits weight loss, lol. So, my basic feeling is, why take it? Is it necessary? If it's not, any medication that interferes with your normal chemistry is introducing another factor into the weight loss journey. There are so many reports about the side effects, it makes me very nervous to consider taking it.

    What do you anticipate the result will be? Do you feel like you need a boost somehow? Is there some area you're still dealing with challenges? Does Metformin affect PCOS?

    And, as for water? Take it from me, DRINK YOUR WATER! Kidney stones are far and away the most unpleasant thing I've dealt with, most especially the *treatment* for kidney stones. Drinking lots of water is the number one way to reduce your risk of stones. Drink! Drink! Drink! There are other contributing factors as well, but drinking lots of water can counteract them more than any other preventative.

    Good luck at your OB appointment. Hope you get some good news, and hope you move past your plateau soon. You're doing awesome!
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    No pcos here but I'm a carb crater. Thougj I'm mostly a food craver.....but I digress, white bread is one of.my weaknesses.

    I.got a.borderline.glucose tolerance test this year so I know these changes I'm making have to stick
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Sorry for such a delay...I do have PCOS. I also have hypothyroidism. And because of being on Metformin (I had the gastro side effects for a few weeks, but they have now leveled out completely), and birth control, I've discovered those are both on the list that can contribute to B12 deficiency (which can cause nerve damage)...the other one on that list is antacids... Any of the three of them can cause it. Had bloodwork done yesterday, but it looks like being on supplements, I'm still in the danger range.

    I find that I want to carb load when I forget to eat and trigger the bowel issues (mine is compounded by having no more gallbladder). I could talk to you all day and then some about PCOS and the loveliness it is. All I can say is to find a good endocrinologist for the PCOS. It makes all the difference. For the first time in almost 15 years now, I'm starting to level out...

    I struggle with my water, but found it far more difficult on spirolactone or whatever it is...had to quit that. I find my cravings to be more manageable and myself more alert when I am well rested, caffeinated, and supplemented... I'm missing so much I can't tell you...

    My insulin and A1C are both in normal ranges, but my endo decided to try me on the Metformin, and when I stick to the Low Carb, High Fat, Moderate Protein diet suggested to me, I lose great! I just need to get back to that...

    There is a great group on here for PCOS...one I'm in is not so active, the other one is ridiculously active... Remind me later and I'll look up the name for you!

    Hugs to all.
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks guys! I still have food binges sometimes but way less frequent than last year at this time so maybe the carb cravings are still a part of the old me.

    I have had so many glucose challenge tests I could vomit from the flashbacks of bottles containing orange disgusting syrupy liquid lol. Several for PCOS while fighting infertility then 3 during my pregnancy and still ended up with gestational diabetes. (Much more common with multiples regardless of weight.) And luckily it was only the last 2-3 weeks of my pregnancy. So yeah, Those challenge tests are the worst!

    The more I research low carb diets I am intrigued at "old research vs new". There is such a divide on the issue. But I have noticed that I don't eat bread or pasta like I did before and I do think I feel better without it.

    Maybe I will have some better answers this week. But my dilemma is, I won't remember daily birth control and currently have the mirena. This choice does not give the hormones that my body lacks. But then again I'm in a much better safe zone with mirena for not getting knocked up again:). I don't want to take an estrogen supplement bc it has been shown to increase breast cancer risk if family history is strong (mine is). Not ready to do any permanent birth control. Blah!! Hope my doc is ready for a list of concerns lol.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Between 1 in 10 women, over 5 million in just the U.S. has PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can cause health problems in women, but it can b…
    3,924 members

    ^^ this is the more active group....

    VV is the less active group

    Power Cysters

    This is for the Power Up for PCOS Cysters that want to engage in a healthy PCOS lifestyle including eating whole natural food, participating in fun p…
    532 members

    Best of luck!! It has taken me way too long to get any of this addressed. I'm just glad to have found some of the resources here that I've found...
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks! I will look them up