Day 38: Thursday, 10-30-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
Hello again,
I hope Day 37 was a success for everyone. If you haven't yet checked in, how was Day 37 for you?

Day 38 brings us closer to the end of the week - what are your plans? I know I'm glad to be one day closer to the weekend! What are your goals for Day 38, and how do you plan to achieve them?


  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have potluck at work tomorrow and I am taking yummy Costco Chocolate Muffins for folks and salad for self. Let's see if I can resist the temptation of goodies or not.

    For Wednesday I completed my three consecutive days of under calories limit and did 87 minutes of walk. For Thursday, i intend to stay under calories limit and walk at least 30 minutes.
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    I was super excited that my resistance bands came in the mail today! I did a workout with them and am looking forward to many more. There just seem to be so many things you can do with them!

    Goals for 10/30:

    - Do 30 minutes of exercise
    - Stay within my calorie limit
    - Have a productive day at work
  • _Blues_
    _Blues_ Posts: 62 Member
    I am looking forward to an eventful weekend, taking my niece trick or treating tonight at her school then Friday her mother and I will be taking her around the neighborhood. Also Friday night I will be going to a costume party and I know I will be drinking, which is something i haven't done in a while. Saturday Is a costume party game night and then finally Sunday Is six flags. I see a lot of walking in my future i just hope I don't over indulge in the abundance of goodies that will be laying around, wish me luck pals! I hope everyone has another successful week/weekend.
  • Going to be a good weekend provided I can get rid of this head cold I now have. It's not going to stop me from working out though. Just may make it a little harder to breathe. Should get in my normal 4.5+ miles and a Strongtober challenge to do today.
  • Emiliebeauchamp
    Emiliebeauchamp Posts: 228 Member
    I did great yesterday. Feeling the muscles after a great Rev class yesterday.

    Today's goals:
    1-Take my zumba class.
    2-Go tanning.
    3-Stay within my calorie allotment.
  • awesomekaty
    awesomekaty Posts: 40 Member
    Today I'm donating blood. I absolutely love the feeling of giving back to others, but I'm a bit nervous about how long it'll take me to recover. You aren't suppose to really exercise for the first 24 hours after donating, and even after that I feel noticeably lagged and not as productive.

    Hopefully I can keep my body in check after donating and eat healthy foods while recuperating.
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi all! Staying under and taking some rest after 6 days of consecutive exercise. Getting a flu shot today, don't know how I will be feeling afterwards. Have a great day everyone!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    only .6lbs to go to be back at 54 lbs, where i was after getting sick. Hope that i can lose at least 1.5 pounds by monday. Hope to have an easy weekend. Working all weekend should keep me from getting hungry.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Had a successful day yesterday and plan to continue in the same manner today. Did my DVD and will likely go for a walk tonight but nothing too major. Take a little break today and rest.

  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    I was able to meet all of my goals yesterday and reach the high side of my water intake goal.

    Goals for Day 38

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Jog 2.5 miles without stopping

    Not sure how well the jogging will go this evening. I've been battling a chest cold the last couple of days but will get out there anyway and give it a shot.

    Definitely looking forward to the weekend. Cooler weather here in Texas and we have the next milestone weigh-in on Saturday.

  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Went over my goal for walking,steps and water yesterday. Was under my allotted calories. Hoping today is just as good. Can't wait for the weigh in on Saturday.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Yesterday was surprisingly productive. Today I plan to stay on the same path, water, exercise, staying under in my calories and getting the girls' costumes ready for tomorrow. My daughter's school does a Halloween parade and I plan on being there with my other 3 all dressed up. I still need to find their candy sacks... busy day here.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I know I will, I am looking forward to the weekend.
  • Today was a good day. I managed to avoid buy chocolate candy bar. I managed my C25K training indoors again. water intake where I wanted it. I'm excited about tomorrow