october goals retrospective - how'd you do?

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
this is a copy-paste of the goals i put into the 'goals' thread at the beginning of october, just to see how i actually did on them all. i tried to edit them down a little . . . wall of text poster is me.

squats: Yes
goal: [like to get back to at least] 80. don't need to go higher than 85 if that's not how it ends up working out.
reality: i did squat 85 at least once this past week, then deloaded back to 75 at the last workout to tidy up form, but with 6x6 instead of just 5x5. i'm going to say that i met this one.

ohp: No
goal : i think i can see 60 pounds by the end of the month.
reality: wrong! last one was still 45 for 6x6.

bench: YES!
goal: at 50 now. so going for 60. or even 65 . . . maybe . . .
reality 65 at last workout for 5x5. heavy, but under control and felt strong.

rows: yes.
goal: what i really want out of rows is a full correction to that imbalance/mobility thing on my left side.
reality changed to seated, 70+ for 6x6 at last workout. plus 3x12@80 on romanian deadlift to make up for not doing pendlays.

deadlift: half yes.
goal 120 now. i want to do 130 and have it feel the way 100 feels to me now. like i'm definitely lifting, but EASILY.
reality can do 130, but not that easily yet.

in the other-stuff categories:

core: yes.
goali want two 1-minute planks perfectly comfortably, with only brief rest in between.
reality pretty much true. just need to not quit doing them now.

pullups and chinups: progress
goal: no particular goals, but i do want progress.
reality reality: slowly getting stronger.


  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    How do I find the goals thread?!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    one of them is stickied . . . but there was an earlier one where i put my own goals before the sticky was created. i tracked it down somehow, so it's here:

  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thanks, I just realised it was sticky (I always scroll past the announcements).

    This month is all about form for me. Deload and focus on style over substance

    Limit cardio to two sessions per week.

    Don't lose any more weight.
    Changed my mind towards the end of the month and decided to lower my "zone" by losing yet another pound.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    crabada wrote: »
    I'd like to reach the following goals by the end of October:

    * Squats - Break parallel 5x5.
    - I feel like I'm going as low as humanly possible, but who knows? Not putting a pound goal on squats since it the extra weight affects my arms/shoulders more than my legs.

    * Bench Press - 85 lbs.
    - I'm at 70 lbs. now they're a bit of a mess. All bumps will be in 2.5 lbs. increments from here on out, so this doesn't leave much room for failure. We'll see...

    * Barbell Rows - N/A
    - Meh. Don't care that much about this one. I'm de-loading from 95 lbs., so maybe just make my way back there, but with full contractions and extensions.

    * Overhead Press - 50 lbs.
    - Currently at 30 lbs., dictated by equipment, and it's easier than it should be.

    * Deadlifts - 150 lbs.
    - I'm at 135 lbs. now, but it's insanely heavy. This will be a challenge, but is possible even if I fail at some point along the way.

    * Rock climb at least 1x / week.

    * Cardio (jog or hike), building back up to 3x / week.


    Well, er, um.... October was a bit of an epic fail by these standards.

    Squats: No idea if I'm actually breaking parallel. I'm pushing myself to get as low as possible, but I'm guessing I'm not there yet. I would need pics or video to know. But please with increases on weights (started at 50 lbs, ended at 95 lbs.) and with my grip. Shoulder and arms are doing much, much better!

    BP: Missed this one too. My last workout was at 77.5 lbs., but I failed.

    Rows: Still meh. Moving up in weight, but still trying to concentrate on form. Probably time to re-watch some of the form videos at the 5x5 or Starting Strength sites.

    OHP: Still at 40 lbs., but completed 5x5 last time. Will probably stay here one more time before moving to the real bar. Given my shoulder issues, I actually don't think a 10 lbs. increase is too bad here.

    Deadlifts: This lift still scares me a bit. I made it to 140 lbs., but they were a mess. I'm considering de-loading a bit to just really nail the form and get super comfortable with the movements.

    Rock climbing: Went a few times, but not 1 x / week.

    Cardio: Aside from some nice long walks, nothing here.

    With all that said, October was a seriously hectic month for me with school, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. November, here I come!

    :) C.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Just as a recap for myself...this is what September looked like...
    I am still new so I didn't post any August goals...I will start fresh with September

    1.) Log daily! (currently on a 68 day streak) - Nailed it!
    2.) Continue SL 5x5, 3x a week - Missed 1 day of 1 week, but worked out anyway, jus tnot SL
    3.) Complete 1 cardio session a week for at least an hour - FAIL! Man have I been tired.
    4.) Have no more than 4 pumpkin spice latte's all month long (this could be a real toughie laugh ) - This was EASY! Only 2 ALL MONTH LONG!

    OK, onto October

    1.) 10 narrow pushups from my toes - NOPE! Will have to try again this month.
    2.) Complete the plank challenge I have signed on for - NOPE! My other group members kinda fizzled after the first couple days and I will admit, I didn't try to keep up either
    3.) Continue to log daily - YUP! 130 days and counting
    4.) DL 155 - This has been my breaking point for the last 3 workouts, so I am determined to get it! - NOPE! I think I got scared. I deloaded and starting warming up this month. I am currently at 125lbs.
