Week 9 Informational: Paleo Diet

ElizabethStukenbergNPS Posts: 36 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
What is the Paleo diet?
The Paleo diet is the diet of our ancestors, and is composed of:
  • fresh fruit
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • grass-fed meat
  • No, grains (including grain-fed animals), diary, or beans. This was before the Agricola era, and before people kept domestic animals and crops.

Does wheat really do you harm?
Proponents of the Palo diet claim that human bodies were not meant to eat grains and that it is causing chronic disease and obesity. Proponents of the well-rounded diet, argue that our bodies are evolving, and can keep up with the changes to our diets, and there is no need to return to the diet of the caveman era.

A study completed on people eating the Paleo diet showed that participants lost weight, improved their triglycerides and blood pressure, but their LDL levels were not changed.

This makes sense since the components of cholesterol called triglycerides are elevated by sugar and alcohol, which is what grains essentially break down into.

Is it really worth it to eliminate wheat from my diet?

It is your choice to eliminate wheat from your diet. Unless you have an allergy, or Celiac disease, you probably do not need to eliminate it completely. I would suggest limiting it.

As per review of My Plate, which we talked about in the past, wheat, and other grains make up a small portion of the suggested American Diet:


If you wish to remove grains from your diet, I suggest replacing that portion of your diet (plate) with lean proteins and more fruits and vegetables.

Are there alternatives to wheat?

Alternatives to wheat and other grains are to use almond flour or coconut flour. You may find other alternatives with a quick search of the internet. If you are seeking a Paleo diet, the almond flour would fit the Paleo lifestyle, as it is a nut, as would the coconut flour.