Half Time: Veteran's Day

balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Yes!! Half way down. I congratulate you all on coming that far. It is awesome to see group shedding over 815 lbs and that too during the Holiday season. Keep succeeding.

Monday had been awesome. Did 120 minutes of walk and added in season Green Apples to my Lunch. For Tuesday, I intend to keep walking and staying conscience of both quantity and quality of nutrition intake.

Happy Veteran's Day all.


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Hit my goals yesterday. Weight is down again today!

    Goals today:
    1. stay within calories
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. P90x: Kenpo X
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Hit goals yesterday, doing better with water. Scale showed a loss this morning. Happy

    Goals for today
    Drink, Drink, Drink water
    Watch Carbs
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Monday was recovery day. Calories could have been better but I'm more concerned with hitting my protein intake these days.
    NSV wise, I can fit into a jersey size S, I know they run pretty big usually, but when I started my journey I barelly fit into the XL one.
    Today is usually gym day but my daughter is sick so I might have to postpone this workout and nurse her back to health.
    No matter what, let's have a great day everyone!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    This weather is seriously derailing me. With windchills in the -20's, I really don't want to go out. I have been in hibernation mode the last few days. I need to get moving with DVD workouts and get focused. Hopefully today I can be more successful.
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    I am back on track almost 100% after dealing with the kiddo's health issues. Not excited that I fell off the bandwagon, but I'm trying to remind myself I'm back on & that's the important part.

    Goals for today:

    Hit my calories
    Workout video
    Get my water goal
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Need to work harder. Haven't made any of my goals for the last few days. Am down.8 pounds so happy about that. My goals today are to stay within my calories and drink more water.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    This weather is seriously derailing me. With windchills in the -20's, I really don't want to go out. I have been in hibernation mode the last few days. I need to get moving with DVD workouts and get focused. Hopefully today I can be more successful.

    I take laps around the inside of my home if i can't get out. It helps keep me going
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    This weather is seriously derailing me. With windchills in the -20's, I really don't want to go out. I have been in hibernation mode the last few days. I need to get moving with DVD workouts and get focused. Hopefully today I can be more successful.

    I take laps around the inside of my home if i can't get out. It helps keep me going

    there are lots of great videos on youtube.

    is the weigh-in day supposed to be 11/16 on the spreadsheet? i went ahead and put mine in today- down another 2 whoo-hoo!

  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    Yes, the next weigh in is on 11/16.