Registry help

mg720 Posts: 212 Member
Hi ladies!

Just wanted some opinions...i want to start by saying i am EXTREMELY greatful for any gift a friend or family member buys for me and my baby so this is not at all coming from a selfish place.

My husband and i have completed our registry. I got a phone call from a family member who took a look and asked if and item was still avail for puchase. When i said yes the response was "okay take it off i want to buy it for you" i of course said thank you and expressed gratitude. To then be told they saw a nicer one than the one i had picked out on my registry. So before someone purchases the one i picked she wants it taken off so she can buy the one she picked out.

This was upsetting to me specifically because i love the one i picked. I know that people can of course by whaever they want (and dont have to buy anything at all) but just wondering what other mommies to be think of this? And how you would handle it?


  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Be grateful for whatever you get and remember that aesthetics mean nothing to a baby or even to you in the long run. All you need are the necessities.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    sara_m83 wrote: »
    Be grateful for whatever you get and remember that aesthetics mean nothing to a baby or even to you in the long run. All you need are the necessities.

    Oh that goes without saying. I am beyond grateful.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Not to sound ungrateful, but anything you get, you can always return and get what you want if you can't live with it. You could also tell them that you want the one you want, and blame it on the hormones ;) - depends on your personality and theirs...
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Yeah, I'm with you on this. Registries are a kind of tricky etiquette thing. Because of course you're appreciative of whatever someone buys for you. But when you've taken the time to pick out specific things on a registry, the etiquette really is for the gift buyer to stick to that list. (I usually like to get something off the registry and then something random from a store, like a set of onsies or something, so I feel like I'm doing both.) I mean, maybe you've chosen to go with like, a certain brand of bottle or diaper, or you've got a color scheme you're working with in the nursery. I think Kathyk519 has a good point -- you can always accept graciously and then return/exchange whatever really doesn't work for the item you prefer. But depending on who the person is, you might also say, gently, "I really appreciate that you want to help us out by getting us this gift, but I really have my heart set on this particular one, I just really love it so much!" I'd think that most friends/family would get that, I mean, they want you to love what they get you so if they know that you feel strongly about a certain one then they will probably get it for you. But if they don't, then yeah, just accept it and say thank you and be nice, and exchange it later if it still bugs. People are coming from a good place, so you kind of just roll with it as best you can, you know?
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I would start by asking what she likes better about the one she picked out. There may be something about it you hadn't thought about and may actually prefer. Keeping that in mind, I would probably just leave the original one on my registry, and if someone happens to buy that, compare the 2 after you receive them and decide which to keep and which to return.

    I know I am getting 2 different monitors. I had one on my registry, and I've already received it from someone that can't make it to my shower. I was telling my mom what I received and she said my Grandmother bought a monitor too. I did an Amazon registry and a Target registry. So, my Grandma printed my Amazon registry and took it to Target and picked out a totally different monitor. Whatevs. I'll see which one I like better and return the other.

    I've also noticed that not much of anything has come off of either of my registries... I've had one shower already and my main shower (30 people attending) is this Saturday. So, either I'm getting no gifts, or people didn't follow the registries. LOL
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    AwMyLoLo - so glad to see someone else who did both a Target and an Amazon registry. I did that last time, and people acted 'funny' when I told them that I was doing Amazon in addition to Target. I know that I just couldn't get everything that I wanted at Target, so I chose Amazon, because of the great prices for the things, I wanted. Honestly, I thought that was giving people options to either buy online or go to the store.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    edited November 2014
    kathyk519 wrote: »
    AwMyLoLo - so glad to see someone else who did both a Target and an Amazon registry. I did that last time, and people acted 'funny' when I told them that I was doing Amazon in addition to Target. I know that I just couldn't get everything that I wanted at Target, so I chose Amazon, because of the great prices for the things, I wanted. Honestly, I thought that was giving people options to either buy online or go to the store.

    Really, people acted funny? I registered at 2 stores when I got married too. I thought a lot of people registered at at least 2 places. Hmm.

    I hate shopping, so I buy online a LOT. I much prefer to sit in my pjs on my couch and search for what I want, get all kinds of options, and read reviews to see what's the best buy. When I went to target to register I was there for like a half hour and just scanned the girl version on pretty much everything in the baby section. Lol. Not too much to choose from but I know a lot of people prefer in-store shopping.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I think that it was 'funny' because it was amazon, not because it was 2 places. I agree I like online shopping, especially if I don't have to worry about sizes and am just buying what someone else has already picked out!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    just want to say thank you so much to you ladies for your input xoxo

    so far the topic has not come up again with this person so i will wait until it does. I am so grateful for any gift I receive so its not about that. i think it more so is about me knowing the way this person specifically is (happens to be a family member who tends to be negative and hurtful towards me all my life)
  • mkivanoff
    mkivanoff Posts: 7 Member
    I have family in VT and Louisiana and we live in TN. I'll be doing an Amazon and a Target one just for the convenience for the relatives. I don't think it's weird to do 2 or weird to do an online one. Maybe it's a younger person thing?
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    For me, it was my other 30 something friends who thought it was weird. I expected the "older" generation to snub it. Besides I love Amazon, the great deals - whether I am buying or asking someone else to buy, and that no stores near me had those items.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    I created a generic registry online and only about half the attendees followed it. People will buy you what they want to buy you. Just be grateful for anything you get. If it's something you absolutely do not need or do not want, just return it and get whatever it is you need.

    Luckily, everything I got will be used, so no problems there.