25 yr old mom of 2 looking for a diet buddy!!

Hi! My name is Tiffany & I have a 6 year old & an 8 week old. I gained 90 lbs with my first and only ever lost about 60-70 of that. Then when I got pregnant with my son I gained another 70 lbs. So far I lost 20. But not from working out or eating right.

I want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight before my son of 247. And ultimately get back to my pre pre pregnancy weight of about 215.
I currently weigh 299.

I started my own 60 day challenge Thursday but motivation is what keeps me going so I would love to have friends on here or instagram (_speakof_thedevil) that are also on the same journey! We can encourage each other, support each other; you can even email/text me when your in line at the grocery store & that milky way is calling your name (or does it only call my name?)

I just really want a diet buddy!


  • It's rough but it can be done. I gained a bunch with my 3 pregnancies, 90 lbs with my first and 70 with my other two. I have lost all my pregnancy weight but in the past year gained about 10 back. We have different goals but I would help motivate you.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Add me ladies! I had my 4th child 9 months ago and I'm back to lose the dreaded baby weight and the "im hungry weight". Lol!
  • lanorrr
    lanorrr Posts: 13 Member
    I just had my first baby and I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds! I'll add you!
  • FaithAnne04
    FaithAnne04 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm Faith. I am 29 years old. I have three daughters (ages 10, 3, 1). I weigh 247 now but after my second daughter I was up to 325 lbs. I home school the older two and take classes online and nights/weekends. It is tough to keep motivated and moving in my limited free time when I am exhausted. Usually when I get free time I just want to sit down and relax. :)
  • Hi, I'm Paola and I'm 28 years old, i had twin girls 8 months ago. I have been struggling to lose the pregnancy weight, i feel i have less energy and I'm tired all the time. I work during the day and when i get home is hard to eat healthy or exercise, I'm looking to change all that and start getting healthy. I recently went to the doctor and was told to lose 20-30lbs so that is my goal!! I'll add you and anyone that is looking for a little support please add me to :).
  • lillykate9
    lillykate9 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a 28 year old mom of 2. My daughter is 5 and my son is 2. I am looking to loose 30 lbs
  • I'm Nicole, Mom of 3. My youngest is 6 weeks old. I lost all my weight and then some with my other kids but gained/returned to an eating disorder. I am desperately trying to lose my baby weight- the healthy way. I have at least 45lbs to lose. ☺
    p.s. the milky way often calls my name while checking out. Lol
  • I just had my first baby December 6th. I'm also looking for motivation to lose the baby weight. I'll add you as a friend.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey there, I'm hoping to get regular discussions on here so we can help support each other. Look out for the weekly thread with the date on it. Hope to see you there :smiley:
  • dejoyce23
    dejoyce23 Posts: 7 Member
    my daughter is about 2 but i cant blame my weight on my pregnancy so ill add you!!! GOOD LUCK ;)
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    My daughter is two as well and I can no longer use "baby weight" as an excuse lol. I'm determined to get 30 to 35lbs off
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm a 26 yr old mom of 2. I gained 34lbs with my first (3.5 yrs old) and 40lbs with #2. I was 109lbs & now weigh 137lbs. Looking to weigh 120-125lbs by summer. I just had my son on Xmas eve & had a tubal & bladder repair right after. I def need to clean up my diet since I can't work out yet. Feel free to add me!