Chat and accountability Nov 15 - 21

carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
Hello my long lost family. Okay... I'M the one that was lost. I can't even say I'm back. I want to be back. But MAN, this getting back to 'trying to get healthy' stuff seems like a lot of trouble. I have been eating lots of tortilla chips, breadsticks, pancakes and muffins. Mostly at night so I don't raise my insulin too early in the day. But now all bets are off and I'm just eating whatever. And I'm SUPER tired because of the workload so I just kinda don't care when I reach for comfort food. But now I care because I've gained FIFTEEN pounds and that is the biggest backslide I've had in a few years. I started tracking again last week, very lame attempt but I will get better this week. I recorded a show, that was a big push for me. Just admitting that I don't really want to do any of this right now. And I went shopping for new pants because I'm up 3 pant sizes. I left the dressing room disgusted and decided to just try to get back into my largest pants asap.
Yesterday I didnt eat anything carby. I'm going to try to do the Carb Nite thing again. I'm very addicted to the carbs again and I miss them and so I will have them once a week. :(
I'm very very very very lazy lately and tired but I actually worked out (in the middle of the podcast I stopped and went and did a quick workout) so that also helped with attitude.
Amazing that a workout might not burn too many calories but it can help you feel like you want to keep going.
Today will be a much better day.
AND! I think we need a December Check in Challenge!!
Who is with me?? I'll post separately.

Hope you are all doing great!!


  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Oh! And big shout out to Mark, John and TJ for your posts last week. I read them but didn't know if you'd go back to an old thread. 15 below Mark??? I would die! Too cold for this Texas girl! :)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Also! Please share the group link on your facebook page so we can get more folks involved in December. We are dwindling and I bet lots of folks wouldn't mind a low-stress challenge to make most of their December days better than usual. :wink:
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Well Carol, welcome back, kinda, sorta.. :smiley: I am up for a December Challenge. You know Carol, I was looking at moving to Texas recently.. nope. Too blazing hot too long for this anti-freeze blooded Montana LOL!!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well Hello Carol! Welcome Home. Interesting update but no worries Lass. Time to build again on what you already know. I'm gonna start posting some Daily Hammer Jammer Challenges on my MFP time line, but if you like I'll post em in the challenge instead, They will be some stuff you can do in short bits of free time, (think commercial breaks on TV, when you answer a phone call etc....) Gonna start on Nov 24th, my 60th Birthday finish Christmas eve.. I call em penny withdrawals out of the Fat Bank.
    Mark during my military career I have lived in a tent 30 miles NW of Pt Barrow Alaska in January (you have to set up a tent to take a P). My knees and I live in Georgia for a reason. But Do and live; what and where you love. B)

    Happy Saturday to all and to all a good day!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Hey! I can chat from my phone. Love it.
    Don't worry John. I'm just being honest & keeping it real. I am so much further down the road just getting all that out in the open. Love the chat board! Accountability, confessions, inspiration from others! John, I like the Fat Bank withdrawals!! You do them in or out of the challenge thread. Either way. Thanks for doing it!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Day 2 of eating better. Actually Day 3. I started getting serious Friday night when I recorded the show. So now I am going to go out for a 20 min something. Not sure what but I am going to move for 20 minutes before I allow myself my coffee that I love. Hope you guys have a great day. Hope you're doing something healthy!!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Still here.... just been busy and then the stomach bug made its rounds.... fun week
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Hey folks, Just got back from Dead lift Day, did a good set of progressions from 135 X 10 155 X 9, 175 x 255 X 1 then back to 175 X 10. Feel really good after, so gonna have to up the weights next week.
    Some other news, my Dementia unit Rec therapist has been in the hospital, and is now recovering at home. She had Lap Band surgery two years ago, lost 100 lbs, and seemed to be doing well, exercising etc, last couple weeks she started passing out and lost another 18lbs in two weeks, hasn't been able to keep food down and last week couldn't keep water down. Don't know what they found yet but texted her this morning and she is at home getting better slowly. Keep Maris in your prayers for a good recovery.
    It is a glaring reminder that Lap Band and Gasteric Bypass are not easy ways out and have that person walking a sword's edge for the rest of their life balancing nutrition and health.
    As for me,, I am hanging in +- 5 lbs of 245 and feeling great, with the blood tests of a 30year old performance athlete. Aesthetics are not where I want them to be but I'll be 60 in 8 days and have accumulated the patience and wisdom to make changes at a rate that is tolerable and safe. Thinking of getting a Certification in the Primal Blueprint. What you'all think?

    Happy Sunday Folks.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited November 2014
    PS I also have the skeletal structure and chronic pain of a beat up performance athlete as well. But take no pain meds at this point, knee replacement surgery has been suggested but not sure I want to deal with the ramifications of that. Folks I know who had it done still hurt so not the be all end all some make it out to be.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Wow John! I want to be you at 60! I'm looking forward to your Fat Bank Withdrawal posts. I think the Primal Blueprint Certification would be an awesome thing to get. You're probably already almost there. Keep us posted.
    Lots of prayers from your friend, Maris. Poor thing!

    Thanks for the update. Your workout sounds awesome!

  • ohhheyyyheather
    Carol, I'm part of an awesome group on Facebook that is an amazing support and FULL of great knowledge in CNS. It's called Carb Nite Solutions Chat page. SUCH a huge help if you ever need help figuring out training, macros, etc. Great people. I understand not wanting to get back on the horse. It's exhausting, and it's exhausting not being happy with out pants though too. It's exhausting both ways. I feel for you sista!! I hope you find what works best for you. Love a d support along the way!

  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Heather, thanks for posting about the CNS Facebook page. I'm definitely going to check it out.
  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome back Carol! The prodigal sister has returned back into the fold :) Thank you for your courage and honesty … you're an inspiration to so many of us that struggle through our journey towards optimal health. It's not a newly paved level and straight highway … but a winding country road with peaks, valleys, and numerous pot holes along the way. (*)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you.

    Arturo - Been monitoring yours and Herons progress Great work lad.

    Great Podcast Carol. It made me think long and hard about Band Wagons in general, and the life path we all must follow. It may be a country road at times, maybe for some, even all the time, it can be that comfortable and wide. For me it had been more often a trail or a path that swings away from the road, and sometimes I've had to hack my way through the undergrowth to find it or even make it. My time on wagons has afforded many opportunities to learn, but I am wary of those that use a band to get you to ride with them. As you have seen the dismount is usually harder. Life's trail is a hard task master, you have many whose trail has intersected with yours and will offer you a helping hand along the way. But no one can walk it for you, the wagons, (even those without a band) will at best give you a short break on your journey. Very few will make it any easier, cherish those who do (like family). Choose your rides well and learn what you can from the driver and your fellow passengers. But remember they are ultimately on a different trail than you; and only you can walk it to the top of the hill.

    Heather Welcome and Dittos on the CNS FB.

    Keep on Jammin' Folks! B)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    You're right Arturo. It isn't an easy road. Love all the advice guys. John: I think you're right. I never considered how much I rely on others. I only know that I'm much more successful in a group. I'm still going to capitalize on that but I'm going to think about what I'm doing for myself also. Try to build capacity on my own.
    I will see y'all on the CNS FB page!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Monday morning folks! Warding off a nasty cold that is going around, or trying to. I seem to have dodged the worst of it. It is warming up again here, some anyway. I had quite a bit of reading to do catching up here, and good to see everyone!

    I have been trying out cooking of some new things; expanding my diet a little. I don't want to be one of those bachelors that cook only a couple of meals or eats out all the time. Gack!! I have found some Amazing stuff. Still cooking for 4 (2 of them teenage boys), so I try out a meal and then eat on it all week!!! LOL Happier places are coming.

    Ready for December!!!
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Morning everyone, Got a message from Carol chastising me to come back. I have been keeping up with good eating habits but cant seem to get into exercise. I did a squat challenge last month but did not continue. Deer season started this weekend so I've walked about 12 miles. Going to be building a barn this week too. Of course its 15 degrees out right now. Weight has been holding steady @ 210.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Snow on the ground here in Oklahoma! Loving this weather, but my weight set is in an un heated shed... luckily a friend just asked me to go with him to planet fitness, hopefully they have free weights.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Carol: Welcome back! I've been in a slump, too. I was around 198 for a good while, but that cruise bumped me up to about 205. I need to get back to walking at lunch. It's just so much easier to sit at my desk and mess around on the internet, though! And it's been 20 below (60*, that is) here and people are freaking out! lol

    John: Why don't you start a separate thread with your daily challenges? That way people could specifically follow that, rather than it getting lost on our timelines and chats. Maybe recommend that people keep that one chat-free, so it doesn't get too cluttered, and we can just chat here, like always. I think I'll join in with you.

    I'll try my hardest to keep up with the Check-in Challenge, this time, since I only made it about four days last go-around!

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I think TJ is right. Your challenges are great for everyone and we don't want people having to search for them through our chats.

    How did it go Kevin? Our PF has free wights. I need to get there. The dang places open 24 hours! I'm paying for it and I'm still not going. I'm going to commit to go at least once this week.

    I am very excited to see both Marks back here! Guilt trips really work! I'm excited to hear more about Markd's cooking!
    Hey McElvy: what was the squat challenge like? I did one where we did squats every day for 30 days. I just don't think that's wise. I mean, when are you rebuilding those muscles if you're tearing them down every day?

    TJ: your cruises totally worth a few pounds. I gained more than a few and I don't even have a cruise to show for it!!

    Thanks for all the chatting!! I'm loving it!!