fitbit & exercise(logging)

ok- sorry if this has been asked and answered.

yesterday was really the first day i synced my fitbit with my MFP. i noticed that it fluctuated between giving me 200-300 extra calories for the day. My question today is i actually did a powerwalk exercise. Do i not log it on MFP and just let fitbit log it? i dont want to give myself double credit but i also want to post that i actually exercised! kwim?

thanks for any info on this! i appreciate it.



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Generally, any step-based exercises should not be logged. If you want to post it to MFP, enter in the calories that Fitbit says you burned at that time. It won't double count, but it also won't overwrite what MFP would claim you burned, which is what happens when you do log exercise.