MFP Food Tracking vs. Fitbit Food Tracking

xxnicole0312xx Posts: 2
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
I've been using MFP for years now and recently purchased a Fitbit Flex in April. I started tracking my food with MFP but noticed that it was giving me more calories to eat than Fitbit was. I would track in MFP and notice that I had calories left over, so I would eat them. When I would log into Fitbit, it would show that I went over my calories.

Has anyone else come across this issue, if so, how did you deal with it. My thought right now is that I will just log everything in MFP, but only pay attention to how Fitbit calculates my calories and workouts that it gets from MFP.

Any info is helpful!!




  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Do you have negative adjustments turned on? If not, that might be the problem. It's a diary setting here on MFP. With it, if you move less than what MFP thinks fitbit takes away calories.
  • xxnicole0312xx
    @shadow2soul - my negative adjustments is turned on, that's why I'm confused by this whole thing!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    That's weird. Until about midnight my usually have about 100 calorie difference (with MFP being the lower one). Hmm, the only other thing I can think is possible a setting difference between the two. Other than that, not a clue.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So it must not be the end of the day then - because you still had time to eat.

    So both Fitbit and MFP are estimating total daily burn based on what you got up to that point in the day.

    Fitbit has a Setting called Calorie Estimation - should be disabled unless every day is about the exact same activity and you can only sync late at night.

    Otherwise they should be mighty close, unless you are having a food logging issue on Fitbit syncs from MFP, using up extra calories.

    Have you actually looked at the Food log on Fitbit?
    Does it match total calories eaten as MFP?
  • laurietgentry
    I am having the same issue now.. Did anyone find the solution to it?
    MFP is showing I still have more calories to take in, but my fitbit shows me everyday I went over eating. Both are based on my goals, weight, height, etc
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Is MFP using an up to date daily burn stat from Fitbit to do math with?
    Look at the "i" next to Fitbit calorie adjustment, confirm when the last sync was.

    Otherwise the FAQ in the stickies, 2nd section, explains why they differ through the day.

    By end of the day, midnight, or reviewing prior day - they should match.

    Because daily burn X - 500 = Y eating goal on both sites.

    It's only during the day that X may be different.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Ignore Fitbit's calorie goal & follow MFP's, eating back your adjustments. But you must enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Trust your Fitbit for several weeks, then reevaluate your progress. I lost the weight & have maintained for eight months, so by definition my Fitbit burn is TDEE.