Online Dating Etiquette



  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    First date never happened. We talked on the phone three days before the date and he just totally turned me off with everything he said. He started calling me hun and pumpkin and when I called him out on it, got embarrassed and started talking down to me and was very condescending.
    First of all, you haven't even met me yet, there is no reason for any type of nicknames.
    Second of all, I was not rude in any way shape or form when I called him out. I actually just asked if he had called me pumpkin because I wasn't sure if I had heard it correctly. When he said he had, I asked him why he would do that since we don't even know each other. He started stuttering and "oh, uh, um, sorry. Didn't mean to offend you". I told him it didn't offend me, but he kept calling me pumpkin. Sorry dude, that doesn't work for me. That's when we started talking about sports teams (which by the way, my teams are all listed in my profile under what sports I like) and he was saying, oh your team better not be....I cannot believe you are a fan of that team... and then started talking down to me because of who my baseball team is. I'm sorry dude, but you may not like the team, but don't talk down to me and critique my choices. If you want to have a friendly debate on why your team is better, cool. I'm good with that. But don't ever talk to me like I am beneath you.
    Lastly, when you then start talking about sending me roses and wanting to pick me up at my house for a first date and then get offended when I say no, I'll meet you there, you are probably a creeper anyways.

    Needless to say, I canceled our date the next morning, and blocked him from the dating website. I had a bad feeling about him a few days before our phone call and am SO GLAD we spoke on the phone before our date.

    Word to the wise, talk on the phone before you go out! It made such a huge difference for me!!!