Logging food

lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
I know I should, and it doesn't really take that long, but I'm just finding it difficult to get motivated to log what I eat every day. In fact I know I put more effort into making sure I drink enough each day than I do logging my food lol. I eat when I'm hungry and stay mindful of how many cals are each meal to give me an idea of how to adjust throughout the day. So far it seems to work well enough as I'm not gaining nearly as much weight as I did the with the first pregnancy, but enough weight to keep my midwife happy. So, win, win I guess.

Anyone else find themselves in the same boat?


  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Funny you should raise this today. I have been having exactly the same problem for much of my pregnancy - no motivation to log at all. However, I've consciously made an effort to log so far today - not so much because I have a problem but I don't want to be completely out of the habit for when I'm back trying to lose the weight. Like you, I'm eating when I'm hungry and trying to be more mindful of the quality of what I eat and drink. And at 37+5 I've gained about 25lbs - which I'm pleased with given that I'm only small. My midwife is happy and junior is a good size - just on the smaller side of average - which again given that I'm small may be a blessing when it comes to getting him out :D

    So, I would say we sound like we are doing ok!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I actually log religiously, lol.

    Seems to work well for me though :)
  • livelovelearn2011
    livelovelearn2011 Posts: 13 Member
    I am about 8 weeks, and was still in the process of losing from previous pregnancy. For a few weeks, I have not logged. However, I would really like to start again! I think it helps me to make healthier choices (only one treat, instead of a half a bag!).

    Sounds like you are doing very well, and almost to the end! Good Luck:)
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    Ugh. I know what you mean!! I was logging for a few days/weeks and now I just don't have the motivation... I seem to be gaining at a correct pace and I don't want to worry too much about logging. The only thing is I need to make sure I get enough protein, which I don't seem to do when I don't log. So I'm torn... I try to eat only when I am hungry as well. Like the previous poster, logging helps me make healthier choices.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I guess for me too, part of it is being so used to logging to lose weight or maintain once I got there, that to visually see that I'm eating more to GAIN weight... it's just... weird. So I feel like if I don't log it, but still mentally keep track of it, it's not as shocking and easier to accept. And knowing what I gained last time (45 lbs) and that, so far I've only gained 12 lbs (on track for 25 lbs gain), makes seeing the higher numbers on the scale not so bad (but then I also only weigh on the morning of my appts to compare what I get at home to what they get in the office). So yeah, as long as I don't let myself go crazy every day with the excuse I'm "eating for two" I should be OK. But once I get back to losing weight after baby comes, I'll be logging every day because I know how easy it is for those cals to add up!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I log most days, usually during the week, since I am at work, and I use it as an excuse to take a break. I am not so good on the weekends. I eat when I am hungry, so no matter what, I usually have an idea either way of how I am doing. Now today, most likely I will go over and that is okay, because I am eating a thanksgiving quesadilla for lunch with the ladies at work. Usually I have been eating the same things that I did when I was actively losing weight, just adding a snack here or there when needed.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I'm horrible about logging even when not pregnant. I don't think I have logged since becoming pregnant. However, I am making an effort to sign in each day so that I get into that habit. I am much better during the week when I am at work. Hopefully though, if I maintain this habit, I can start adding in logging food also once the baby is born.
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    Also to add, I am 25 weeks 5 days and I have only gained 4 lbs. I vomit near constantly, so it helps maintain weight also. :-(
  • mkivanoff
    mkivanoff Posts: 7 Member
    I was doing pretty good until about a week ago when i got a terrible cold/sore throat/laryngitis. I actually ended up breaking my streak of logging from January! *sniff* I'm at 14 weeks tomorrow and basically haven't gained anything (I lost 2 pounds between finding out and 9 weeks, then gained 2 between 9 and 12 weeks) but I feel fine and my doc is happy with me.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    So, being a temporary single parent for the last 2 weeks (with 3 more to go) is hard work! I'm constantly on my feet with a "go go go" constantly on-the-move toddler, and it's exhausting! And yet another reason I've realized why I'm not logging: by the time I finally get a moment to myself to just sit and relax, that's all I want to do - nothing! *sigh* At least I feel like I'm getting more exercise this way haha.

    To all you SAHMs, my hat goes off to you - I don't know how you do it! Because come Sunday, I find myself wishing for Monday and wanting to be at work LOL!