July 2015 Due Dates :)



  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    I looked around, but didn't see a group for July yet. Share your due date, a bit about yourself, and maybe a fitness goal or two.

    Name, Age: Sarah, 34
    Due Date: July 5th
    About me: My DH and I have four children- DS 11, DD 7, DD 4, and DD 1. We recently bought 'the family farm', and decided that now was as good as ever to try for our last child. We have always dreamed of living on a farm, with lots of animals and lots of kids...I'd say our dream has become a reality! I work outside the home at a university, and love my career. It gives me balance and perspective, but also makes me exhausted 99% of the time right now!

    Fitness goals: I still had 10 lbs to lose when I got pregnant this time. So my goal is to maintain until about 12 weeks, which is recommended for my current BMI anyway. I really want to try and keep my weight in check, as I have previously gained between 40 and 50 lbs (a lot, I know :( ).

    Can't wait to hear more about you! I would enjoy sharing this fit and fabulous pregnancy journey with others.

    Same age , name and due date! Our 1st baby though. I was about 14lbs from my interim goal and another stone from my overall.

    I have gained weight an outstanding rate since I became pregnant, roughly 1lb a week, which means I would be heading in the same direction as your previous gain 40-50. I hoping to level this out now the morning sickness has began to ease and I am able to make better choices and start exercise again.

    I would love a friend to exchange healthy ideas and support - add me

  • livelovelearn2011
    livelovelearn2011 Posts: 13 Member
    How are you ladies doing? We should all be between 12-16 weeks, I think! I was 16 yesterday, with a due date estimated now at July 2nd.

    I have been tracking about 1/2 my intake most days, as I just seem to forget or get busy. Trying to still workout or do a few quick yoga sequences throughout the day. How has your food/ exercise been?

    I initially gained around 8 lbs from 4-12 weeks. I am happy to say that since regaining some of my energy and starting to move again, I have maintained for weeks 12-16. The doctor says it will be fine to try and maintain for the next month, and just gain around 6 lbs. through week 40.

    Hope everyone is healthy!
  • TANNE21
    TANNE21 Posts: 41 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well! I will be 16 weeks on Thursday - we find out what we are having at my next appointment on 2/12. My 3 year old son would like a baby sister so we will see if his wish will come true.

    Is anyone else planning on finding out what they are having?

    I have been doing really well with eating during the week and have been trying extra hard to drink more water. I downloaded an app called 'Water your body' at set a water reminder to go off every half hour. LOL - kinda funny, but it works for me. The weekends are a different story though, I need to work on drinking more water and snacking less.

    I have not been exercising much at all, basically just trying to walk more throughout the day (I have a desk job) by pounding laps in our company warehouse, lol. But this past weekend, the temps were decent in the 30s and I was able to take a long walk. It felt great to be outside and to get some extra movement in. I can't wait for Spring.

    I'm still down around 2# from my prepreg weight, but I started at least 20# overweight. I owe this to tracking my food and trying to plan my meals up to one week in advance. For my last pregnancy I was already up 20# so I'm really trying to watch it this time around. I'm hoping for a 15-25# gain total.

    Hope everyone is feeling well and healthy too!
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    My due date is July 17th, feel free to add me if you'd like another friend!
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Name, Age: Lindsay, 29
    Due Date: July 21st

    About me: My husband and I got married last May and weren't planning on getting pregnant so soon (especially since I have PCOS - we thought it would take us a while to get pregnant), but things happen and here we are. This will be our first and we are so excited to be parents!

    Fitness goals: I had a good 40-50 lbs I was working on losing before we found out we were pregnant. I was struggling with PCOS and thyroid issues, both of which make weight loss extremely difficult. I have since started treatment for my thyroid and have my numbers almost down to a normal level. I was pretty sick through my first trimester and extremely exhausted. So eating and exercise were both difficult tasks. I pretty much had to eat whatever wouldn't make me sick. Now that I am in my second trimester, my appetite and energy are starting to come back. I walk with my friend a couple of times a week (we walk a local bridge that has a pretty good incline and is about a 3 mile walk when we're all done). In addition, I've been trying to add in prenatal yoga and pilates. My goal is to just try to stay active and not add another 40-50 lbs that I have to lose on top of the 40-50 lbs I already needed to lose before getting pregnant.
  • zehranowostawski
    zehranowostawski Posts: 2 Member
    Name, Age: Zehra, 34
    Due Date: July 16 for now :)

    I'm 15 weeks pregnant and doing really well without having any of the bad symptoms. I have a bigger appetite and gained 10 lbs, which is a bit too much :( I was exercising before and started exercising again regularly. I do 45 min cardio and 15 min weights four times a week and walk during the weekends.

    I still can't control my eating, I feel hungry all the time. Any suggestions?
  • livelovelearn2011
    livelovelearn2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to Lindsey and Zehra!

    We keep getting more snow and ice here, and it is really affecting my motivation. I just want to hybernate! I am trying to get my 10000 steps in a day, and I workout at the Y on Mondays when my other kids are in swimming. However, that is the extent of my workouts.

    Eating- Around 13 weeks, I was able to decrease my calorie consumption. Prior too, if I didn't eat enough, I would get really sick. Are you drinking enough fluids and eating enough veggies/ fruits? Sometimes I can eat veggies for my snacks as fillers.
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    Name, Age: Kristy, 30
    Due Date: July 27th

    About me: I grew up in Michigan but now live in Virginia. I have been married 3.5 years and this is our first baby.

    Fitness goals: Only gaining the recommended 20 pound during the pregnancy while eating lots of healthy foods and continuing to exercise.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Cheyanne
    Age: 23
    Due date: July 28

    About me: I have a husband who I will be married to for 3 years come June 30th and one daughter who will be two in May. We found out we are having another little girl. I seem to have a bigger appetite this time around and fluctuate quite a bit. With my daughter I gained 18-20 lbs and was really happy about that since I was overweight to begin with. After giving birth I lost 25 lbs and then got pregannt again and I am suppose to stay between 20-25 lbs so I'm hoping to do that.

    Fitness goals: To stay within my recommended weight gain. And to start working out again at least 4 days a week and to lay off the fast food and sweets.
  • JAshmore16
    Jessica, 26 years old
    Due date: July 15

    I will be a first time mom, and I have always struggled with my weight. I started this pregnancy out at 195ish but quickly dropped to 183 due to severe hyperemesis gravidarum. I was constantly sick and throwing up from weeks 7 to 19, and still get sick a couple times a week. At least I can keep food down and am able to function again now! I am now 26 weeks into the pregnancy and am back up to 195. I'm terrified at how fast that weight came back, so I'm trying to correct it before it gets out of hand.

    Goals: my OB told me not to gain any more than 20lbs in this pregnancy. So, I have just started doing herbalife. Only one shake for breakfast in the morning for the extra protein and nutrients (not for weight loss). I needed the extra boost because I'm notorious for not eating a good breakfast and then eating too much in the afternoon. I also want to get moving by going for a 30 minute walk at least 3 times a week. I know that's not much, but it's a start. Plus, I figured it would help me to lose baby weight after the birth.

    Wish me luck ladies!