Chipping away at regained weight...annoying :/

dianastepheny Posts: 648 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Well...I may finally be back on track. After a month or more of eating EVERYTHING in sight and not bothering to log, I think I am ready to do some damage control. I'm talking thousands of calories per day over my allotted amount and then not exercising to compound the damage. Due to stress (finding out husband is losing job of 18 years after the holidays due to their closing, 4 year old with pneumonia and eye infection, mom-in-law falling down basement stairs breaking clavicle and cracking 10 ribs, work being more trying than usual, car currently in garage most likely needs new transmission...all in the past month...) well...let's say my attitude bottomed out. I have eaten three to four pastries or individual cakes PER DAY, McDonald's, pizza, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts, and other fast food options for EVERY MEAL this month due to not caring. Plus, they were not smart choices or individual servings. Every time was 4 or 5 slices of pizza, 4 or 5 get the idea. Well...eleven pounds later...ELEVEN!!! I was no longer in Onederland and now I have to deal with all of the weight again. I'm really depressed. Yes, I lost 2 pounds and I'm happy. However, it feels so defeating to realize that I am still 9 pounds away from where I left off. That if I had stayed in control, that 11 pounds would be off of 194...not 205. ugh. :( Hoping the New Year will be better than the end of this one. (though still immensely grateful for my loving husband, two beautiful children, and everything we are so blessed to have...don't mean to sound ungrateful since so many others in this world obviously have things SO much harder).


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    It really sucks how much faster weight comes on, than off, doesn't it? Your life this past month, not so sound callous, really does seem like lyrics for a country song. Wow.

    I'm guessing you have more than 2 pounds of sodium going on though, so you'll probably drop faster than you think.

    Great that you got it under control when you did. Can you take a different route to/from work to avoid the fast food signs that scream, "eat me!"???
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 648 Member
    No, no alternate route. Unfortunately, my job in one town goes down one main road and picking up my little one from school in our hometown is off another main road. Nope. I'm just going to have to exhibit self control and remind myself that even though dollar menu items are cheap, they are NOT healthy. :)
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    Sorry the last month has been so rough. Hopefully the little one is better now and your mother in law is also feeling better. You will get back down to where you were and probably faster then you think. Just take things one day at a time.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm sorry everything has been so rough. You shouldn't feel ungrateful for talking about it, that's a LOT to deal with in one short period of time.

    I know it's depressing to look back and think that if you'd just done something else a short time ago you'd be ahead of where you are, but it's not that much time or weight in the big picture and like sodakat said a lot of it is probably water weight that will drop when you get your diet back under control. I like to think of struggles like that as learning experiences--stuff is always going to come up in life (not so much at once, we hope!) and this will help teach you and strengthen you how to deal with it and what works and doesn't.
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 648 Member
    Well, I've managed to lose 5 out of the 11 pounds I had regained. I even survived the Thanksgiving holiday and lost 3 pounds this week. I figure that what I put in my mouth is one of the few things I can control right now, so I might as well take advantage of that one small thing. :neutral_face: