Trying to lose weight before gastric sleeve

I am currently trying to meet all insurance requirements to get approved for gastric sleeve. I am required to participate in a 6 month supervised weight loss program as part of my insurance company's requirement. I would love some friends who are also planning gastric sleeve or have been through the process. I am currently at my heaviest weight with a BMI of 41. Although I feel like I could lose some weight on my own, the idea of losing >100 lbs without any intervention seems impossible. I feel desperate for something to help me lose this weight once and for all...and at the same time defeated because I created this weight problem largely in part due to unhealthy choices. I want to get off the yo yo diet roller coaster, I feel like I have some success and then the weight piles back on, plus a little bit more each time! Anyways...that's me. I would love to hear about some of you too. Feel free to add me as a friend :)


  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    My fitness pal is a big help but if you are really serious, I can send you a plan my partner used. She has lost 160 all on her own, no surgery. Ill warn you, its very strict and as you increase your activity, you will have to adjust it to include more food and/or calories. You can do this!
  • twinklestar128
    twinklestar128 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ktpie76. Can you send the plan to me as well please? I have been thinking about the sleeve but I would prefer to lose it naturally. I have about 130 lbs to lose. Thank you!
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I participated in the Medi-Weightloss program and it worked really well for me. I was able to lose 40 lbs on it, but the problem is that it's rather pricey and once our work discontinued paying for the program, I could no longer afford it and gained everything back. Basically, it's a low-carb program similar to Atkins or SugarBusters but it also includes weekly weigh-ins with medical professionals and vitamin/metabolism supplements. Their website is here, but like I mentioned, it's fairly expensive.
  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    Im so sorry! I have been sick and the holidays and blah blah blah... LOL. Ill post the plan within the next few days. I just need to touch it up a little. :)
  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    Here you go! Better late than never!

    Choose one
    -plain oatmeal with honey/ piece of fruit
    -2 eggwhites/ wholegrain toast
    -Protein Shake

    Protein Shake and Choose one
    -Fat Free yogurt
    -salt free almonds or pastachios
    -blueberries, strawberries, orange, kiwi…

    -Baby Spinach salad with grilled chicken/ or tuna/samon
    -Sandwich wholegrain bread/ Chicken/ fish with vegetable side

    Same as before

    Meat Chicken/ Fish/ or turkey with brown rice/ Sweet Potato and vegetable
    (brussel sprouts, asparagus, squash, spinach….)

    Same as before

    Drink only Water
    Suggested Vitamins
    Evening Primrose Oil, Fish Oil, Biotin, B12, D, CoQ10, multi.

  • loobz12
    loobz12 Posts: 21
    Sounds great much better than my pre op diet!
  • joolie3
    joolie3 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm just waiting for my surgery date - have to do the pulmonologist visit first but my gosh, even doing very low calorie my body sure does move slooooowly on dropping pounds. Makes it scary.
  • Hi there! My surgery date is at the end of the month and I am excited and nervous.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I had my sleeve surgery on 11/19/14. I was like you in that I could lose X amount of weight but couldn't keep it off. The sleeve is a tool to help me limit the amount of food I eat at one time and to a degree what type of food I eat. It is only a tool though, so you have to do the work in conjunction with it. That being said, I do not regret having it done even a little bit. I was given a weight loss goal to meet prior to surgery. For me, eliminating fast food meals and all pop (soda) were keys. Those 2 things accounted for a lot of my daily calories. However, you choose to try to get healthier, I wish you success.
  • lbethhenson
    lbethhenson Posts: 1 Member
    I am scheduled for the sleeve on March 31. My doctor has me on <25g of carbs/day, and I have lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks... Day 2 was the hardest, but I really haven't had cravings since then....
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    having sleeve surgery on April 1st; yeah I know, April Fool's Day. started the liquid pre-surgery on Mar 18th and haven't had too many problems following it, so far. only consuming 500-650 cals per day right now but meeting the minimum protein requirements.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    If you are still preop, then salads truly are your friend. I've found that I making a 3 cup salad, with 2-4 oz of protein is more than I can eat at some meals, and it does stick with me for a few hours. I've lost 12# in the last 3 weeks by monitoring my food on MFP and making salads my go-to; I'm usually under my 1600/day calorie goal (especially after the cardio gets counted). The nice thing, is that you can vary which veggies you use, so every meal doesn't have to taste the same. I also vary my protein as well. There's a hundred ways to spice up grilled chicken. Lean ground beef, or tuna is also quite tasty, and can have a variety of flavors. You have to make eating salad not boring. You can even plan ahead, by cooking up a few breasts on Sunday, then toss em in the fridge, measure out your meal portions. Takes less than 10 minutes to have a hearty dinner on the table.