Calorie reading

minideema Posts: 30 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Ok, I would like to believe my machine , i workout at level one, on fat burn, I am forty. The machine says I lose 250 calories in thirty mins. All the machines in my gym give the same read. Any opinions? Is this correct as per ur experience? In forty five mins it says 375 calories!


  • heatheraugust03
    heatheraugust03 Posts: 23 Member
    I was wondering the same. Mine says for 20 mins I burned 166 cal. I log it in here and is says i burned 3 hundred something. I personally go by my elliptical and change it in here.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    Elliptical machines overestimate calorie burn by as much as 40%. If the calorie burn is hard to believe, then it is probably too good to be true. Want a more accurate estimate of your calorie burn? Try this:

    You will find that the number you receive is probably a lot lower, but it is probably a lot more accurate.

    I've seen a lot of people rely on the numbers of the heart rate monitors. Heart rate monitors also overestimate the calories burned during a workout.
  • minideema
    minideema Posts: 30 Member
    Oh no! I work hard on my elliptical. This so sad. Looks like I am off by 75 calories! But I cannot do more than 45 mins.
  • minideema
    minideema Posts: 30 Member
    hmrambling wrote: »
    Elliptical machines overestimate calorie burn by as much as 40%. If the calorie burn is hard to believe, then it is probably too good to be true. Want a more accurate estimate of your calorie burn? Try this:

    You will find that the number you receive is probably a lot lower, but it is probably a lot more accurate.

    I've seen a lot of people rely on the numbers of the heart rate monitors. Heart rate monitors also overestimate the calories burned during a workout.

    Thanks for the link!

  • misochan
    misochan Posts: 5 Member
    So I log my 30 minutes here and it says I should have burnt 640, my elliptical machine says 540 and the link above says 450. Why is MFP so far off? I've noticed this when on a stationary bike or treadmill as well. While I don't rely on my calories burnt to determine what I eat, how can I trust it?
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    i've learned to take the average, of all 3 units......

    the elliptical value + my hrm value + mfp value.....and then divide by 3.....and this is the calorie burn i 'log' hehe....i feel it gets a better picture of my burn......

    and it's funny.....cause on the above site......the site gives a pretty good picture......the key to the elliptical is interval training though......i set it up for hill made....or up the resistance and lower the resistance every minute.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I put my weight and age into the machine every time I get on. I usually burn 350 calories in 33 minutes and take this into consideration when counting calories. I'm losing the weight with how I'm estimating, so the machine is most likely pretty close.