What Mood are you in today??? 5/29

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

This is great and timely and highly informative! I am in a funk today so this was sooooooooooooo ON TIME!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I totally agree with being stressed and going for a walk. There is something about it. You feel such a release afterwards...even if the problem is not solved. And I so agree with Kickboxing or any boxing! Oh wow do you feel like you can really smash someone's face in...legally! LOL!
So how do you feel today? Which one will you do or try today? All you need to do is YOU TUBE it and do it!!!!!!

I may need to walk, strenght train do Tai Chi and yoga! LOL!

Love and Fitness,


  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I too am "funky" today :) Having company at my house for 5 days definetely threw me off my focus. And getting back to it is a chore. No matter what happens with my schedule today if I have to "sleep walk" I am doing my HILL walk TODAY!! And my strength training lunch HAS TO HAPPEN!!!

    WW- thanks for the push!!!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Ok - if I feel it all - what then? (Well, almost all - I'm not high on energy.) I am tired - don't feel like I had enough sleep. I am stressed/anxious - karate belt test tonight and I feel in no way prepared for it. That makes me want to eat a bit too. Its raining so walking is out while at work. I'm not sure I want to run up and down the stairs since my knee is just now feeling somewhat better. What to do, what to do?!?!??! If I find something that I can do, I'll let you know.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    My knees, quads, calves, glutes, shoulders and a couple other things I'm not really sure about all hurt, just a bit from yesterday's workout. However, I know that as soon as I do my cardio today I'll feel none of it after about five minutes. So that'll be about 25+ minutes free of slight soreness. Then afterwards I get that wonderful slightly drunken "I just worked out" sensation. That's the best.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Then afterwards I get that wonderful slightly drunken "I just worked out" sensation. That's the best.

    I thought they called that a runner's high? I've only felt that after a good loooong run or bike ride - about the 30 minute mark.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Feeling the effects of teaching today, since it's day two of teaching-almost no voice and my feet are killing me from being on them for 8 hours in dress shoes (I am so ready to go back to the lab after tomorrow, these are great groups of first responders, but I am SOOOOO sick of my topics since it's the same three topics twice a day.) I have been glutened twice since getting here so my insides are in turmoil... and making it VERY clear they are unhappy. Still have to figure out supper for tonight and hoping I can convince myself that if I sit for a while I will walk to the restaurant then some ab work in my room when I get back
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I am in such a pissed off mood today. I worked until 6am, had to get up early for a job interview, only to find out I had to go back to work at 6pm until 6am. Then I have training from 8am-noon, sleep, and have to be back after that at 10pm. Where am I supposed to find time to fit in any sort of exercise? The most I can do is stand up at my desk, but that's just not enough. :(
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member

    This is great and timely and highly informative! I am in a funk today so this was sooooooooooooo ON TIME!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I totally agree with being stressed and going for a walk. There is something about it. You feel such a release afterwards...even if the problem is not solved. And I so agree with Kickboxing or any boxing! Oh wow do you feel like you can really smash someone's face in...legally! LOL!
    So how do you feel today? Which one will you do or try today? All you need to do is YOU TUBE it and do it!!!!!!

    I may need to walk, strenght train do Tai Chi and yoga! LOL!

    Love and Fitness,

    Funny, Usually when I'm tired or in a bad mood Zumba tends to do the trick.
  • brandiellenburg
    Feeling like a nice long walk could fix my funk today. All I have wanted to do is eat because I'm in the dumps. Hate these long lonely days. Today could be a two walk day. It will be better than sitting here eating.