Disapointed, Discouraged and PMSin'

Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
So..I joined this group on May 3rd. If I had been able to lose 2 lbs a week I would have almost made the 15lbs by 23Jun. This has not happened. Not even close. Between strenuous workouts, eating too much or too little my scale has been up (by as much as 5 lbs) and down (but not by much at all).

I kept seeing my ticker and thought, "I'm doing pretty good!" Then I realized that my ticker was going by the weight I was when I originally started Myfitpal back in 2011 (209) not the weight I was when I started (AGAIN!) at the end of Feb. this year (205)!! I would like my ticker to reflect what I've lost since I started tracking with Myfitpal again but I don't want to delete all my entries before because it is part of my journey. I don't guess there is much I can do about it, but I feel as if I'm misrepresenting my success. So, just for all you ladies in this group...my ticker may say 11 lbs down but it's really only 6!

If I had been able to lose 11 lbs since May 3rd I'd be overjoyed. My calendar, however, shows that on May 3rd my scale said 199 and as of this morning it showed 197.7. Not getting much of anywhere scalewise, maybe my measure tape will show more success come Jun 23rd...



  • karimyatt
    karimyatt Posts: 25 Member
    Keep your chin up! You are losing inches and that is huge. I'm almost convinced that the scale is what keeps out attitude down. Unfortunately this is really the only way to measure weekly. Keep up your good work. I am also only down a little, 4lbs. Very frustrating since I started this group. I do see however that we have members that are doing very well. maybe if we can get them to share what types of exercise they are doing and even things they find to eat to help curb their hunger we can all drop a few more. We still have 23 days to go!