August mommas



  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    edited March 2015
    I guess I will keep logging in here to stay accountable. I am due on 8/18 and I started out my pregnancy at 205. I'm 5'6". My first trimester was a little tough. No morning sickness, but I had a lot of aversions to vegetables and protein (i.e., healthy food, lol). I was also exhausted so workouts suffered. But I am getting a healthy appetite back and getting back into exercising. After a week of cutting out the refined sugar and junk, and exercising 30 minutes a day, I feel great and even lost half a pound! :-)

    12/13/2014- 205
    2/10/2015- 210 (eek)
    2/28/2015- 209.5

    So altogether a gain of 4.5 pounds. Not too bad but I definitely want to keep it in check.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    edited March 2015
    Whoops, double post :P
  • grubbercats
    grubbercats Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm an August momma, due aug 14. My start weight is 191, im at week 17 and have gained a total of 5 pounds so far. It's discouraging because I feel I shouldn't be gaining any weight, really, considering how overweight I am to begin with. At 5'4" 5 extra pounds is a lot! Hope to keep up with you all! Good luck!
  • ls8735
    ls8735 Posts: 53 Member
    I found out on February 21st that I am having a baby boy. My husband and I are so excited. I have already registered for all my baby boy stuff and have a crib set picked out.

    I calculated my calories to maintain my prepregnancy weight at 1400ish so I am trying to eat 1700ish now that I am in my 2nd trimester. My OB told me 1700-1800 calories and she was happy with 1700. I did not gain any weight the 1st trimester and have gained a few pounds max so far at week 18. OB said since I am fairly petite and in a normal BMI that I should gain 20 pounds for this pregnancy. I have been trying to make sure I get enough protein and be fairly healthy. I have been going for walks as much as possible.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    So March was a pretty big gaining month for me, here are my stats:
    12/13/2014- 205
    2/10/2015- 210 (eek)
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015- 217

    Total of 12 pounds gained so far at 21 weeks. My OB told me I am ok to eat at a moderate deficit so I am really committed to doing that now and maybe taking a few EXCESS pounds off so my total weight gain is under 20 pounds by the time I give birth. I'm going to try to check here to keep myself accountable!
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! 4th little girl on the way and my due date is August 31. Today I am officially halfway through my pregnancy, 20 weeks yay! Managed to get a 30 minute work out with husband this morning. Going to continue logging in and staying accountable.
  • loglia
    loglia Posts: 15 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group! I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant with my second and have been logging what I'm eating and exercising regularly. (I actually woke up for a 6am yoga class this morning:)) With my first pregnancy, I felt great, but ate whatever and lots of it. I ended up gaining 50 lbs and am trying not to do that with this one. Cheers to healthy, happy babies with healthy, happy mommies!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Hi there! I'm new to MFP and glad to find this group. I'm due Aug 3 with our 4th girl. Two years ago I started eating low carb and had lost all the baby weight from my first 3 pregnancies, and then some. I started out this pregnancy at a healthy weight, but between first trimester nausea and quitting smoking I find myself up 33 lbs as of 24 weeks pregnancy (ugh). I've started exercising and watching what I eat more carefully and I'm hoping joining this group will give me some accountability. I'd like to maintain my current weight for the remainder of the pregnancy or at least gain no more than 7 more lbs (total of 40 lbs for the pregnancy - not great, but reasonable).

    SW: 145
    CW: 178
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Looks like cutting the junk out helped! I feel a lot better.

    12/13/2014- 205
    2/10/2015- 210 (eek)
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015- 217
    4/16/2015- 215.2

    Total gain at 22 weeks- 10.2 pounds
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm trying to get back on the logging bandwagon! Before getting pregnant I was Keto for ~3 months which helped me lose quite a bit. I have PCOS and insulin resistance, so losing is really hard on me. So far I've gained 15lbs at 23 weeks. I'd like to keep it under 30, under 25 would be best. I know some of that was coming off of keto and gaining water weight. I've been slowly cutting carbs the last few weeks, although I don't intend to go down to my previous way of eating (20g net per day), I am hoping to get down to ~50g per day. I feel like this will also help me avoid GD, which I was borderline for during my last pregnancy.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    12/13/2014 (Pre-pregnancy weight)- 205
    2/10/2015- 210
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015, 21 weeks- 217
    4/16/2015, 22 weeks- 215.2
    4/23/2015, 23 weeks- 213.4

    Due date- 8/18/2015
    Total gain at 23 weeks- 8.4 pounds

    Losing a little bit, but my doc is ok with this! How is everyone feeling? I'm a first time mom so it's been really cool to feel the baby move.
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    SW: 136
    Week 18: 146
    Week 19: 145.5
    Week 20: 147.5
    Week 21: 149.5
    slacked this past week on exercise and logging so jumping back on it today. Been hectic lately with taking girls to softball practice and games. Congratulations on your first @SelfHelpJunky. Had my first braxton hick yesterday and that was a neat reminder of whats to come.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 24: 180.4
    Week 26: 181.8

    Total gain to date: 11.8 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total

    Vacation got me ;)
  • SidraJedi
    SidraJedi Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new here. I hope this thread is still active!

    I am due with #2 August 10th. I am 5'3.5". With #1 I weighed 183 to start and lost 10lb in the first half of pregnancy and only gained 20ishlbs (from my start weight) in the second half. This pregnancy is completely different of course and its is throwing me off so I could use the support!

    I have confronted my ED since 2009 (EDNOS) and I feel like I am in a good space with it right now but counting calories is a trigger for me so I concentrate on a balanced menu and not over or under eating in order to lose weight. While breastfeeding my first I got down to 158-ishlbs at 17 months PP but by 19 months (Nov '14) I was up to 169 due to DH bringing home pumpkins allthetime so we went through about 1 pumpkin pie a week between the two of us... lesson. learned.

    So, I'm just joining here because I wanted a place to check in to keep my gaining in check. I'm eating much better than last pregnancy but I still have slip ups like last weeks obsession with donuts! I try to get protein in every meal and try not to eat bread at every meal. I try to keep sweets at once a week. I try to take a walk or hike 1-2 times a week and to do prenatal yoga 1-2 times a week.

    How about you gals, what are you doing to stay healthy this pregnancy?

    SW: 169lb
    CW (@25weeks): 186lb
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 145
    4/15: 178
    4/27: 183.6

    So apparently exercising and keeping calories between 1600-1800 per week is doing nothing to slow weight gain (and while I didn't have MFP before, I was still keeping track and exercising - I was eating between 1700-1800 per day, and exercising 3-4 times a week, rather than 5, but still!). This is beyond frustrating. Ready to start smoking again. Have appt today - with glucose screen (200 calories and 50g of friggin sugar to pack more weight on my fat *kitten*..... nice). Will talk to doc about re-introducing my Camel habit - 300 cal per day burned AND appetite suppressant in one neat little package. This is baby #4 I've gone a full 42 weeks 3 times, so as far as early delivery - hell, even if smoking made baby come 4 weeks early that would still be a full term baby! And low birth weight? My babies were 8lbs 4 oz, 9 lbs 2oz, and 8 lbs 5 oz, respectively. Even if they were a full 2 lbs smaller at delivery they still would be normal size newborns!

    Did I mention I was thinking about smoking again? Don't know what else to do.... any fewer calories and I starve. Any more exercise and my appetite gets out of control. I wish I knew what to do....
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »

    Did I mention I was thinking about smoking again? Don't know what else to do.... any fewer calories and I starve. Any more exercise and my appetite gets out of control. I wish I knew what to do....

    I'm sorry you're struggling with weight this time, but please don't start smoking again! Even if it doesn't effect the baby's birthweight for you, there are many long term problems linked to mothers smoking. Particularly heart issues. Here is a study that found links between heart problems and maternal smoking:

    I'm quite passionate about this due to personal experience. My brother and I both developed atrial fibrillation (afib) in our early thirties, which we thought was odd since afib does not run in our family. But, my mother smoked through her pregnancies and our parents both chain smoked (2 packs a day each) indoors while we were growing up. After reading a number of studies, I'm pretty convinced that these things contributed to our heart issues. Not only that, but it now impacts MY children as I'm a high risk pregnancy due to the afib and have to take medication to control the afib during pregnancy, putting my baby at risk. So essentially a choice my mother made during her pregnancy is now having negative impacts on her unborn grandchild.

    The pregnancy weight can come off, that is what myfitnesspal is for, its totally doable after the baby is born.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Thanks peabean.... I know I can't start smoking (at least not until the placenta is delivered, lol).... I'm just super frustrated. It's like I'm prisoner in my own body and have no control over what goes on! I've never had a "cute" pregnancy. No matter what I try I always gain too much, and it takes so long to come off (I wouldn't mind so much if I was one of those &&^%$'s who finds the weight magically slides off in 3 months, but I struggle with it for at least a year - 18 months after delivery). And it scares me to put on so much weight - that can't be good for the baby either.... damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    In some ways I wish I had the balls to just give up completely and eat whatever I want and do nothing.... at least then I'd "deserve" the excess weight. But to bust *kitten* and go hungry and STILL end up gaining too much... IDK.... it's beyond depressing.
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm never cute pregnant either! I have a 'B' belly shape to start with so my upper fat roll just pokes out further and further as I get bigger. I know people must be thinking I'm just getting fat, since even people I work with every day haven't figured out I'm pregnant yet!

    I'm hungry all the time, and I just want to eat everything but I know I shouldn't. Also, I'm one of those people who doesn't lose all the weight if they are still breastfeeding. So after losing the initial baby weight I hang on to the last 10lbs until the baby is 2+ years old. Its all quite depressing!

  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    peabean26 wrote: »
    I know what you mean! I'm never cute pregnant either! I have a 'B' belly shape to start with so my upper fat roll just pokes out further and further as I get bigger.

    Yep, "B" belly for me, too. I also gained 10 frickin' pounds in one week after going on vacation with 20,000 steps of walking and hiking every day! Pre-pregnancy I would sometimes LOSE weight after going on vacation because of staying active; or if there was a gain I was able to get it off rather quickly since it was usually just bloating. My stats are below; I'm trying not to get discouraged but now I'm totally understanding how pregnancy can screw with one's body (this is my first).

    12/13/2014 (Pre-pregnancy weight)- 205
    2/10/2015- 210
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015, 21 weeks- 217
    4/16/2015, 22 weeks- 215.2
    4/23/2015, 23 weeks- 213.4
    4/30/2015, 24 weeks- 223.3 (SERIOUSLY, WTF HAPPENED)?

    Due date- 8/18/2015
    Total gain at 24 weeks- 18.3 pounds (ugh)
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    Hopefully it was just water retention! Sometimes on vacation you end up eating different or saltier foods, which can cause a lot of water retention during pregnancy.