Hellllooooo (echo)...

shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
Hey there!

I'm wondering if anyone here is still active? I have been taking phentermine for 6 days now and have lost 4.6 pounds so far. I am having trouble making my 1200 calories though. The past few days I have only eaten about 800 calories and I have to force myself to eat that much. I walk about 1.7 miles daily, only the past few days I had to skip that because I had no one to watch my kids and my husband works two jobs so he is either working or sleeping. I don't think that hurt me at all though, because of my calorie intake. If I was eating more than 1200 than I would have to do it to burn the extra calories, but that isn't the case.

Well, a little about myself: I'm 24 years old, married, and have 3 kids. I'm 5'0" and am aiming to lose about 50-55 pounds.

SW - 163
CW - 159
GW - 110-115


  • crutz1
    crutz1 Posts: 2
    Hi...I am new here and just started Phentermine this morning, so nothing to report yet. I am praying for the same success you are having! I am absolutely miserable right now. Was rocking my bathing suit last year, then suddenly started piling on pounds despite diet and exercise, only to be diagnosed with hypothyroid. I am looking to lose 40-45 lbs.
  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    Hi...I am new here and just started Phentermine this morning, so nothing to report yet. I am praying for the same success you are having! I am absolutely miserable right now. Was rocking my bathing suit last year, then suddenly started piling on pounds despite diet and exercise, only to be diagnosed with hypothyroid. I am looking to lose 40-45 lbs.

    Good luck with it! Just watch out for those pesky side effects. I'm taking half a pill right now and it seems to do the job with minimal side effects. Plue, the prescription will last longer =)
  • crutz1
    crutz1 Posts: 2
    Were you having side effects on one full pill? Doc prescribed me 30mg extended release tabs.
  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    Yes, I took a whole one one time and it affected me a lot. I felt completely loopy! Almost like I was on a narcotic or something. I just wasn't ready for a full one so I'm back to only half and I don't feel that way at all

    Edit- I'm on the 37.5
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    The 37.5 makies me feel the same way. I'm on the 15mg. My doctor told me to take it twice a day, but I only need one. This medicine is very strong. A little bit goes a long way.
  • heather_c_73
    heather_c_73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, this is my first post, so give me just a minute to get it all out there.

    I started Phentermine on 10 May, 1/2 a pill for the first week along with 5 days of protein only (10 oz daily). I lost 6.8 pounds (-4.2 fat, -2.6 muscle) that first week. The second week, I started the Dr. Office's 1200 calorie diet with a full dose of Phentermine (37.5 mg). I didn't really notice any side effects, a faster heart beat and more energy, but nothing I'd consider negative. I habitually lean toward a low carb diet. Although this worked for me in the past (2003, lost 29 lbs in 30 days on Atkins) it doesn't work for me any more apparently. So, second week I lost 2.8 lbs (-3.6 fat, +0.8 muscle). Third week, I did almost the same, not really doing the carbs part in the diet. I gained 1.4 lbs but it was -4.4 fat, +5.8 muscle and my water was up 4.2 lbs to boot.

    Other details, I do 30-min of elliptical in the mornings, P90X lean in the evenings, and on days I'm not working out, we've been working in the yard -- serious work, like building, digging holes, etc. that actually burn calories. Also, before I started with the Dr. Ofc, I had them run blood work, my estrogen is fine, but my testosterone is low... like supposed to be 150-275 and it's 16!

    Last Thursday (weigh-in day) I actually started eating right off the Dr. Office's diet sheet--to include the carbs. Weigh-in isn't until tomorrow, and I think I've traded fat for muscle again, which is good. An over all loss of 8.2 pounds over a 21 day period with a decrease of 12.2 lbs fat and a 4 lb increase in muscle isn't bad. But I just feel like I'm not making enough progress.

    My home scale reads 199.0 (dr office is a 5-6 pounds lighter but I track everything using home scale). I've been dancing around 199 for two weeks now and haven't broken through....

    Any suggestions?