Christmas Challenge

Let's help each other lose 5 pounds before Christmas!


  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    That's a bit ambitious for me, but just this morning I was thinking I'd like to lose three by Christmas. I also see myself sliding a bit on watching my calories. It's so easy to do when there are sweets everywhere. Perhaps there will be some motivation here. :smile:
  • Determined2Lose90
    You can do it! Just keep telling yourself - I am worth more than the empty calories or think about something like - chocolate pie vs. fitting my skinny jeans
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    You can do it! Just keep telling yourself - I am worth more than the empty calories or think about something like - chocolate pie vs. fitting my skinny jeans

    haha yes! this is perfect. Except that from time to time, the pie wins (as pie should from time to time). I think for me the key is moderation. Complete deprivation leads me to binge. So here's my holiday battle plan:

    Be good. VERY VERY good all week long. I will try to leave an extra 100 cals each day. On the weekend, I will use that extra 500 calories I've banked to treat myself to a cup of cocoa and cookies with my kiddos. Rinse and repeat through the holidays. So far, so good. It got me through Thanksgiving, and I won't lie. On Thanksgiving, I ate all the things until I died. Luckily it didn't make a difference on the scale because I had been super good all of November. So "banking" is my strategy.
  • Determined2Lose90
    I agree moderation is key.
  • Determined2Lose90
    Has anyone accepted the challenge? How are you doing?