How we see ourselves



  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    edited December 2014
    " We all have our demons to fight with, but I am going to win.

    Everyone here has won. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. It's a lifetime change and commitment. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but you have to find little things that make you smile. A hug, a pair of pants, an old photo. Anything that will make you say, "That's not me anymore".

    Sorry i'm not good at this type of stuff."

    Awesome words of encouragement Jamezln.
    I also agree with Everyone here. We all need each other to stay encouraged. So. Pat, you can't leave me. I look to you every day for encouragement. You all are such an inspiration and help me get through some rough days. When I'm in my feelings and feeling some kind of way; reading everyone's NSV, diaries, your frustrations, your achievements, excitements, give me added courage I need to move forward for that day.

    Stay encouraged each of you. Like jamezln says, We have already won.

  • weeziebeth
    weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
    pawoodhull wrote: »
    Oh boy! This is a thread I was supposed to read! Lowest was 222, hit it while on vacation in Sept. Since them I've bounced up and keep going between 224 and 229. I'm discouraged, bewildered and so ready to just quit! And it's the discouragement and frustration because my own personal goal was to get and stay somewhere below 200. I've come so close to deleteing my account on here a dozen times in the last few weeks. I am so not in a good place with this right now.

    Pat-I am so sorry you are in such a difficult place right now. You have made such incredible progress over the last couple of years and, as you say, you have always been a slow loser. I can imagine the frustration that has caused but you are in a MUCH better place than at the beginning of your journey. I wish I had words of encouragement such as you have often given others, but I don't know. What I do know is that your voice is one I always look for when I come to this board because I know you are a veteran in this war and that there is much wisdom in what you have to say. For very selfish reasons, I would miss that immensely if you were to leave. I wish I could give you a bear hug and share a cup of tea and offer encouragement to you, and that is was as simple as that. But I know this is something you have to work through on your own, and I am confident that you will. Know though, that there are many here to support and cheer you along the way…..and buckle up buttercup!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    It's interesting to see where everyone is on the "curve". You know Garber and Thaeda I can completely relate to your thought process. I'm 15 months out and have maintained 125 pounds of weight loss (give or take 5). That "give or take" is the struggle to reach a normal relationship with weight. I find that I am obsessive with making sure I do not exceed the range. Even then there are days I get out of the show and "zero in" on everything imperfect yet there are other days I'm ready to book a trip to Headonsim.

    The good news is the better days are getting more frquent, might have to buy more tanning lotion. :)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Hey Paul; I hope those tears are because you live in Indiana because you are making great progress towrads your goal of living a long life.

    That feeling of confindence will come as you build upon success. Own everything you do well and give yourself permission to take those victories out anytime you need them! Keep it going, keep on working.
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    jamezln ~~I think you explained it wonderful!
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I average 8 pounds a month! I lose slow! I guess we will all have struggles, but just knowing that I have you as friends helps. My husband is very supportive, but then he still fits in his college clothes, and he is 63!
    Take care my friends and keep up the great work! Don't give up! We can win this battle!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words. I appreciate you all in so many ways.
