Dec. 15th goals

DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I didn't reach all my weekend goals, but I was able to manage my dinner parties without gaining any weight (which usually means a slight loss because of the water weight), so I'm happy.

I've catched a cold, so I won't be exercising at least for 2 or 3 days, because I want recover before Christmas.

Goals for today:

1) Follow my eating plan.
2) Mindfully decrease my goal by a 100 cals, to make up for the lack of exercising.
3) Get to bed early.


  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    I messed up already today. But I decided that the rest of the day is going to be good. Who says I have to wait until tomorrow.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    I like your attitude, Shanteel! I will keep that in mind since my nibbling has been off course this morning.
    Keeping my goals simple:
    1. Keep my head above water and make lists so that I can get started (yes, started!) on preparing for the holidays.
    2. Drink water - aim for 80 ounces
    3. Tackle today's "to do" list
    4. Hop on the cycle for at least 30 minutes