Warriors Challenge (12/18 - 12/24)

cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Week 13 Extra Challenge (12/18 - 12/24):

“Pay it forward” Do something nice for someone else.

I know everyone is busy during this time of year, but don’t forget to share with folks that you love them. Say the words, give them a hug, even if you, or them, are not the hugging type. (First ask if you can give them a hug of course.)

My husband’s parents were not huggers. I always hugged my parents even when we all got together with both sides of our families, but never hugged his parents. After my mom died, I realized how short life was. I started hugging his parents too!

I could feel from the hug that I received from them, that they were uncomfortable and that they felt awkward about it. But that didn't stop me! I always asked them before I gave them a hug and they always said “sure”. I am happy to say that they no longer feel uncomfortable or awkward with the hugging and they now ask me for a hug! :)

We had talked about this later and it came up that they were never really hugged when they were small, so they never really hugged their children (my husband and his siblings). They said they enjoy the hugs now!

I cannot imagine a life without a hug growing up or even as an adult!

This challenge can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it!

Ideas for this challenge:

Give someone a hug (with their permission of course)

Let someone know that they are loved. They may know it already, but to hear the words is always awesome!

Help clean someone’s house. The holidays can be exhausting and the extra help is usually appreciated!

Help someone decorate for the holidays or help someone just get organized in general.

Volunteer to help out at a shelter, food bank, church or nursing home etc.

Pay for the meal for the person behind you, like at a fast-food drive through. I know we are supposed to try to avoiding those kinds of places, but it happens. :)

Pay for a movie ticket for the person behind you.

Remember to share here with your team on how you chose to “Pay it forward”.

Sharing your “Pay it forward” here will earn your team 5 points!

Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow is not promised.
Today, this very moment, is a gift and it is all that we have.
Take advantage of this gift, the present, and share your heart.

Reminder, the Weigh-in, Chat/Busy Bee Commercial Challenge and "Pay it forward" EXTRA Challenge are due on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th, before Midnight.




  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I paid it forward this morning, stopped at Starbucks for a nonfat chai latte, and bought the drink for the car behind me in line
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    shell3569 wrote: »
    I paid it forward this morning, stopped at Starbucks for a nonfat chai latte, and bought the drink for the car behind me in line

    That is so wonderful! I'm sure you brightened their day!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I payed it forward twice today; helped a senior walk into a store by letting her hold my arm (it snowed yesterday so was messy) and donated $100 to a local women's shelter
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    edited December 2014
    I asked my hubby to buy a coffee for the car behind him when he comes home from work. :D

    (I'm a little isolated where we live so he needs to act on my behalf)
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    I payed it forward twice today; helped a senior walk into a store by letting her hold my arm (it snowed yesterday so was messy) and donated $100 to a local women's shelter

    That's is Awesome Megan! Great Work!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    I asked my hubby to buy a coffee for the car behind him when he comes home from work. :D

    (I'm a little isolated where we live so he needs to act on my behalf)

    That works! I'm sure that will brighten that person's day today!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Took my little dog to visit the nursing home that my father-in-law had been in for respite care. They all loved her! She loved all the added attention too! It was nice seeing all the smiles that she brought to their faces!
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    Helped a friend Friday and Saturday :) My friend was admitted to the hospital and we kept her two youngest for a couple of nights to free up her husband and take some of the stress away. One is one of my daughters friends and the little one was 5... Nice to have a little one around for a couple of days. Also, took flowers to the hospital and visited for a bit today!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Helped a friend Friday and Saturday :) My friend was admitted to the hospital and we kept her two youngest for a couple of nights to free up her husband and take some of the stress away. One is one of my daughters friends and the little one was 5... Nice to have a little one around for a couple of days. Also, took flowers to the hospital and visited for a bit today!

    That is so great that you are able to help out by watching the their children while their Mom in the hospital. Hope your friend recovers soon!
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    We are sitting my neighbours dog while they go out of town for Christmas. A bit crazy with three dogs in the house now, but its fun.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    watersm04 wrote: »
    We are sitting my neighbours dog while they go out of town for Christmas. A bit crazy with three dogs in the house now, but its fun.

    Aw..that's so nice that you are able to watch their dogs so they don't have to be put in a strange place like a kennel. Nice way to Pay it Forward!

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