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Throwing knife0
Knife wound0
Wound up (as in a key driven toy)0
Look up0
Look busy0
Busy bee0
Honey bee0
Bee line0
Washing line0
Line Dancing0
Dancing feet0
Dirty Dancing (love that movie)0
Dirty crook0
Shepherd's crook0
Crook Marker (actually Crook & Marker, a company that makes alcoholic beverages)0
Permanent marker0
Permanent wave - remember them when everybody looked the same like their grannies, lol.1
Hand Wave0
Hand lotion0
Body lotion0
Busy body0
Busy day0
Day pass0
Football pass0
Lifetime pass (National Park Pass)0
Lifetime Gym ( I have one of those passes Lin)0
Gym rat0
Water rat0
Water park (glad I finished my breakfast before those rats)0
Olympic park0