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Low temperature0
Low esteem0
High esteem0
High Five0
High hopes0
High tide0
Tide mark0
Permanent mark0
Permanent ink0
Ink spot0
Ink pad0
Ink well..........do you remember those on your desk at school way back?0
Ink cartridges0
Hybrid ink (no inkwell in my school days)0
Tattoo ink........................ink wells were holes in the corner of your desk in which a little ceramic pot sat containing the ink. I hated the pen nibs which got twisted at times causing blots.0
Disappearing ink (I have heard of inkwells, we just didn’t have them in our schools. We did use fountain pens and my Grandma preferred them to ballpoint pens.)0
Disappearing pounds................ Ball points hadn't been invented when I was at school and no one could afford fountain pens. Lol.0
English pounds...........................I think we had ink wells but can't remember, I do remember ink pens.0
Dog pounds.............are they called that over here? Dog shelters here I think.0
Dog park (we have several in this area)0
Park equipment0
State park0
State line0
Long line0
Washing line0
Telephone line0
Telephone exchange0
Gift exchange0
Gift Card0
Card shark............do you use that expression? Someone who is ruthless about winning at a game.0