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Toasted cheese0
Toasted crumpets0
Toasted croutons0
Toasted Marshmallows0
Melting marshmallows0
Tiny marshmallows0
Tiny fingers0
Tiny dreams0
Tiny Dancer (Elton John)0
Ballet dancer0
Ballet class0
Class Act0
Class ring0
Wedding ring0
Nose ring0
Clown nose0
Clown costume0
Renaissance costume0
Renaissance art0
Art major0
Art museum0
British museum0
British Parliament0
British pound0
Pound weight0
Fishing weight (or weights) My Grandpa never called anything a fishing weight, they were all sinkers. ๐0
Fishing trawler. ( my dad called his weights lures. I like the idea of sinkers! ๐)0
Fishing gear0
Winter gear0
Gear box0