Dec 20th goals

Well I went a little over last night but not to bad. I was the DD which helped keep my calories down since I only ate them and not drank them as well otherwise I would have been WAY over. But it was a lot of fun. Always is with that group of friends. Today is a baking and getting things ready for tomorrows get together with a different group.

I have my fingers crossed for my weigh in tomorrow that I will have dropped a lot this week. I am up like 8lbs in less then a month with all my bad eating and not working out. I have fallen back in line mostly this week so lets see how much of that gain was due to bad choices and lots of high sodium.

1. drink plenty of water
2. 10k steps (heading to the rescue for a bit once I post this
3. food shopping and I will only get the items on my list
4. dont sample to much of my baking tonight
5. finish wrapping the last of my presents