Manually Set Calorie Allowance in Fitbit Sync Issues with MFP

mickmok Posts: 7 Member

Does MFP sync back the adjustments to Fitbit? Currently I have Fitbit manually set to the same calories as MFP is using but it doesnt seem to bring the adjustment back through to Fitbit.

Example at the moment I have 1960 as a goal set in both MFP and Fitbit. I have eaten 1568 in MFP and it has a Fitbit adjustment of 71 giving me 463 left to eat.

In Fitbit it shows me the correct food eaten but doesnt take into account the 71 adjustment so says I only have 392 left to eat... how does that work out?

Its as if Fitbit takes the manually set calorie limit as a flat limit you will eat without adjusting no matter what exercise you do. I dont know which to go off, and its pretty confusing.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited December 2014
    No. MFP is adjusting it's daily burn estimate to better estimate of Fitbit.

    Fitbit sees you set manual eating goal and don't care what you burned, so why adjust it.

    Fuller answer in other thread you asked.