Newbie who needs help

qnguyen17 Posts: 9 Member
Hello everyone! I just recently joined MFP with hopes of getting healthier and more toned. I am currently 5'2 and weigh 105 lbs. I may look skinny on the outside, but I have a relative high % of bodyfat (I am not sure of the exact %). I am not necessarily looking to lose weight, I just wish to get more toned, i.e, lose the belly fat, get rid of love handles, reduce my thighs, reduce arm fat and etc. Since this is new to me, I have no idea where to start. I have MFP calculating my calories at maintenance which is 1470 calories per day. Does this sound like a realistic amount of calories that I should consume? Should I increase or decrease? I am also thinking that I need to do some strength training to increase muscle mass and avoid cardio if not perform very little cardio. I am thinking about doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to get started. Since I can't do this everyday, I thought about supplementing this with some Fitness Blender workouts from youtube. Can I get advice on where and how to start? Thank you so much!


  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    I'm 5' 2" too. I have been working to lower bf and increase lean muscle. I have had success with programs that have strength training. For example P90X and body beast. These programs tell you how to calculate the calories needed to succeed. There are also sites online that have calculators. You plug in your stats and that amount of exercise, then it gives you the number of calories needed. It really depends on the amount & type of exercise.
  • qnguyen17
    qnguyen17 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much for the reply. I've heard great success stories with P90X but it might be a little bit too hardcore for me. I am a beginner and right now, 3lbs is the most I can lift :(
  • I'm 5'3 and around 108 right now, also not looking to lose weight, but definitely trying to tone up. I have always been most self-conscious about my thighs and love handles, so I decided that I wanted to target those areas first. Also, for my proportions, I've always had a big butt, and I figured it was time to lift/strengthen that area too.

    I know that the name sounds really dumb, but I just started doing the Butt Bible dvds and I already love the progress I've made. It's exactly what I was looking for: it's toning my body and sculpting my booty, but since it's not cardio-based, I don't have to worry about losing weight. I cannot recommend it enough. Even though it's called "Butt Bible", the program works your entire body and you will see/feel results pretty fast.

    Let us know what you decide to do! Good luck!!
  • qnguyen17
    qnguyen17 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'3 and around 108 right now, also not looking to lose weight, but definitely trying to tone up. I have always been most self-conscious about my thighs and love handles, so I decided that I wanted to target those areas first. Also, for my proportions, I've always had a big butt, and I figured it was time to lift/strengthen that area too.

    I know that the name sounds really dumb, but I just started doing the Butt Bible dvds and I already love the progress I've made. It's exactly what I was looking for: it's toning my body and sculpting my booty, but since it's not cardio-based, I don't have to worry about losing weight. I cannot recommend it enough. Even though it's called "Butt Bible", the program works your entire body and you will see/feel results pretty fast.

    Let us know what you decide to do! Good luck!!

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'm not blessed with a big butt but I would love to shape/lift up whatever I do have lol. I think I'm going to start out with Jillian Michaels 30DS since I've ready so many good things about it from others on MFP. I'll wait for a good deal to get the Butt Bible.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    I am currently 5'2 and weigh 105 lbs. I may look skinny on the outside, but I have a relative high % of bodyfat (I am not sure of the exact %).

    To start just remember that females naturally have higher bf % due to child-bearing features.
    I am not necessarily looking to lose weight, I just wish to get more toned, i.e, lose the belly fat, get rid of love handles, reduce my thighs, reduce arm fat and etc.

    Unfortunately you wont be able to reduce body fat from specific regions. Your bf % will reduce throughout your body from working out.
    I have MFP calculating my calories at maintenance which is 1470 calories per day. Does this sound like a realistic amount of calories that I should consume? Should I increase or decrease? I am also thinking that I need to do some strength training to increase muscle mass and avoid cardio if not perform very little cardio. I am thinking about doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to get started. Since I can't do this everyday, I thought about supplementing this with some Fitness Blender workouts from youtube. Can I get advice on where and how to start? Thank you so much!

    1470 calories is about right for maintance calories for your height & weight. It's quite difficult though to lose weight and gain muscle mass at the same time due to calorie ratios.

    In terms of weight loss you'd want to drop 500 calories below maintenance. But dropping below 1200 calories I would not recommend. Instead keep carlories around 1200~1300 a day and add in cardio.

    For mass gaining you'd want to increase calories by 500 above maintenance for muscle growth.

    To maintain current weight but lose body fat keep calories at maintenance keeping protein levels high.


    For a balanced workout plan I recommened doing a Carb Cycling Diet. An example would be:

    •Monday = Cardio - Low Carb Day
    •Tuesday = Strength Training - High Carb Day
    •Wednesday = Rest Day or Cardio - No Carb Day
    •Thursday = Cardio - Low Carb Day
    •Friday = Strength Training - High Carb Day
    •Saturday = Rest Day - Low Carb Day
    •Sunday = Rest Day or Cardio - No Carb Day

    The following ratios is what I recommend for protein/carbs/fats you should hit per day. Give or take on the calorie count though depending on what you choose to eat those days.

    === Low Carb Days ===
    Average Calories = 1200~1300
    Protein: 126g @ 504 calories
    Carbs: 63g @ 252 calories
    Fats: 52g @ 472 Calories

    === High Carb Days ===
    Average Calories = 1470~1800
    Protein: 147g @ 588 Calories
    Carbs: 147g @ 588 Calroies
    Fats: 30g @ 270 Calories

    === No Carb Days ===
    Average Calories = N/A (but aim for 1200 cals)
    Protein: 126g @ 504 Calories
    Unlimited High Fibre Vegetables
    No Fats

    Carb cycling works by giving your body the fuel it needs to increase your metabolism and create a calorie deficit to increase fat loss while maintaining current lean body mass and tonning out.

    Clean carbs should be you main sources (Oatmeal, sweet potato, brown rice, vegies. Proteins should be kept around 1g per bodyweight minimum. Protein is a thermogenic (Fat burner) meaning that the body requires more energy to burn off. Try to include a serving of fat free/low fat greek yogurt as well. There has been research showing that it aids with weight loss around the waist section. Worked for me so far. Fats should come from healthy sources such as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), coconut oil, almonds, pecans, etc.

    Days are rotated between high/low/No carb days. You will have higher carbs on your strength training days for muscle recovery & slow muscle growth, and then lower carbs or no carbs on cardio/rest days for fat loss. Killing 2 birds with one stone here.

    Also take note towards the end of the week. Fridays being a high carb day will give you some sanity/relief to go out and eat with friends. Saturday if you wish to hang out again just watch the carb count as it is a low carb day. Sunday is no carb. I recommend doing cardio as to jump start the up coming week especially if you do what I'm about to mention next.

    Cheat meal...??? Yes, but one per week. Notice I said cheat meal not cheat day... Once a week treat yourself to one meal of what ever you desire. Only downside is to keep fats low, but not too low to not enjoy something. 2 slices of pizza is fine for example, but a whole pizza is a no no... I'd do the cheat meal only on your High Carb days perferably Friday or Saturday the days you can get out with friends/family.

    Hopefully this was informative and can help you with your dieting plans
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Also here is an example of the meal plan I use with my current Carb Cycle. One thing I forgot to mention in my previous post if that you don't count Fibre in the diet.

    Do note I'm 5'2" 125lbs and very active most of the time.

    == Low Carb Days ==
    - 1 pkg Plain Oatmeal (Not the sugary flavored kind)
    - 1 cup almond milk (I don't drink regular milk)
    - 1/2 Egg Whites

    - 1 whole Hard Boiled egg
    - 3x Hard Boiled egg whites

    - Grilled Chicken Breast
    - Salad (With only vinegar & extra virgin olive oil)

    - Dannon Vannila Greek Yogurt W/ crushed almonds

    - Chicken Wrap made using a low carb tortilla, lettuce, grilled chicken breast, & feta cheese

    Bedtime snack
    - 1/2 Cottage cheese w/ 1 pkg stevia or whey protein powder

    === High Carb Day ===
    - 1 Sweet potato
    - 1 Cup almond milk w/ Whey protein powder

    - Dannon Vannila Greek Yogurt W/ Strawberries or blueberries

    - Tuna fish sandwich on 100% High Fiber whole wheat bread
    - Side salad (With only vinegar & extra virgin olive oil)

    - Dannon Vannila Greek Yogurt W/ Strawberries or blueberries
    - Strawberries & blueberries with whipped topping

    - Grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bun (Mustard & hot sauce only... Mayo has fats...)
    - WHey protein shake

    - 1/2 cottage cheese

    === No Carb Days ===
    - 1 cup egg whites W/ non-fat shredded cheese

    - Side salad (With only vinegar & extra virgin olive oil)

    - Large Salad w/ Grilled chicken strips
    - Protein shake

    - Side salad (With only vinegar & extra virgin olive oil)

    - Large Salad w/ Grilled chicken strips
    - Protein shake

    - 1/2 cottage cheese

    ** No fruits on no carb days. They have carbs!
  • qnguyen17
    qnguyen17 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh wow that you so much JisatsuHoshi, your posts were super informative and helpful.

    Just to clarify, you are suggesting that I rotate between a eating a calorie deficit and a calorie surplus correct? Cardio days would be low carb and calorie deficit, while strength training days would be high carb and calorie surplus. I read on other posts that people were either eating at a calorie deficit to lose weight or a calorie surplus to gain muscle. I didn't know that you could rotate the two.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Low carb/no carb days eat at calorie deficit. No less than 1200 calories + cardio
    High Carbs Days eat at maintanence or surplus up to 500 calories.

    Regardless of which day it is you'll still be at a deficit at the end of the week. Low carb/no carb days + cardio = deficit. And incase you didnt know your body continues to burn calories during and after doing strenght training. Afterburn effect. So most of what you eat from high carb days the extra calories will be used for muscle recovery.

    If you want faster results only have one high carb day a week or bi-weekly.