What are Your Goals?

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Well 2015 is rapidly approaching, time for some reflection and maybe setting (or revising) some Goals. For myself I tend to break my goals down into different groups, like Health, Fitness, and Spiritual then tying them in to Wellness goals, I am also less inclined to use time as an accelerator/limiter; though in a larger view it still is a useful tool.
So with that being said I have not yet fully formulated my 2015 goal revision, but will be using the week ahead to pull them together. Time to start thinking about them and writing them down. Shae if you care to....


  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    I will work on this. I have to be careful as I tend to make a long list. I was just saying to Jen how this year was the first year that I was not consumed and down about all of the things that I didn't do. Seems that this past year was about surviving for me and I did. A bit of a roller coaster. I do have some stuff in mind for the coming year. Will be back to post!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    More quality time with each kids.
    More one on one time with the hubby.
    More time in reflection & gratitude.
    Dial back hours at work.

    Health & Fitness:
    Eat more quality food
    Have less crap in the house so everyone eats more quality food
    Exercise regularly again

    Lose 8 lbs. Just EIGHT! One or two pant sizes... Why is that so dang hard??

  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    My goals would have to be:

    Buy a new belt. I bought this belt intentionally too small. The hole I used at the time was as large as the belt could go. Now, I'm on the 5th hole, with only 2 more to go. Hopefully this one will be too big by the end of January! (the holes are .75" apart, rather than 1", BTW)

    Get into the habit of eating better on a regular basis.

    Get my sleep under control.

    And, not in health, bit in peace of mind, get rid of some of this stinking debt!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I guess my first short-term goal would have to be in my profile picture. That's me an my dad. I was down to 185 in that picture, but I've gained about 20 back and hover around 203-206.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Go on a backpacking trip
    Spend more time at the range
    Find more child free friends.
    Be more organized
    Hike more with Arturo
    Get down to 24% body fat.
    I want next year to be my last year of trying to get to a goal weight. Now that I've learn so much about nutrition, finally found an activity that I love and figured out my threshold for training I can put all that together. And whatever weight/body fat that I end up with at the end of next year that's what i will live with. If not I will just keep chasing some other number.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    I'll keep my list short and to the point
    1. Be healthier - lose a lot of extra pounds and be more active
    2. First overnight hiking trip
    3. Firearms training - two or three classes
    4. YouTube improvements - collaborations with other channels, expanding guest list for my live show
    5. Personal improvement - deal with some of my long standing issues and fears

    Wow, not sure if that is a short list. :) Seriously though, the first four on the list ore easily doable. It's number five that's the toughie...

  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    A G+ friend shared this yesterday and although I giggled, it also hit me hard.

    Traditionally I spend New Year’s beating myself up over all the things that I have not accomplished that I said I would. This year, not so much. I want to close the year by saying I am proud of myself for fighting my way through 2014. I made it thought stress that I thought would take me down, as well as injuries and health scares. I am still standing and did learn some coping skills along the way. No, I am not at the weight I want to be at or making the best decisions every day, but I am 10x better than I was last year on this day. Hallelujah!

    I have been pondering the resolutions/goals thing. Do I make the list short and attainable or long with the possibility of not reaching some? Or not do any and wing it? Since I have been a dreamer since childhood, the last one is not an option. I would rather have a list of unfulfilled dreams attempted than to not dream at all! Some are tangible and others are lofty. Figure I will definitely reach some in the coming year, work towards others, and the rest eh.
    • Devote more time to my boyfriend. Not bringing work home with me in spirit. Our home needs to be our sanctuary.
    • Pray and meditate regularly. Daily would be optimal.
    • Go clean with my diet to lower my bad numbers from the last blood work. Two months until recheck.
    • Strengthen my body so I am strong for knee surgery and rehab. Focus on bodybuilding to see what my body is capable of.
    • Lose 30 pounds
    • Try three new things or things I did in my youth that I no longer do. Some ideas are snowshoeing, tennis (used to love), join local running group, aquathlon, Krav Maga, hip hop dance class, aerial silks…
    • Do ten flawless pull ups and chin ups (this is lofty)
    • Be kinder and more accepting of myself emotionally and physically. (loftiest. haha)

    Yes, it is a long list. A girl can dream, can't she?

  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    I haven't formally written anything down yet. Here's a few off the cuff:
    • Running:
      • Sub 2h half-marathon
      • Sub 21m 5k
      • Sub 6m mile
    • Nutrition:
      • Set monthly eating goals
      • Eat one green vegetable with every meal
      • Eat a home cooked meal 5 days a week
      • Find the best diet to maximize my running gains
    • Personal:
      • Max out my Roth IRA contributions
      • Tile kitchen
      • Spend one day every weekend (April-September) outdoors weather permitted
      • Take a vacation
      • Maintain a 210+ bowling average
      • Step out of my comfort zone at least once a week
  • leopardprintaholic
    Simply to empower myself to succeed ... (Yep, that is indeed me running).bgt6tnwj8wtu.jpg
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Love it DebSue. I love EVERYONE's resolutions!!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited January 2015
    Well a few minutes of 2014 left. Just enough time to set my goals in writing for the coming year.

    • <20% Body Fat ? Target 15%
    • HbA1c <5.7 / Target 5.5

      • Deadlift 1.5 X Body Weight
      • Zercher Squat 0.8 X Body Weight
      • Bench Press Body Weight
      • Over Head Press 0.7 Body Weight
      • Pull Up 1

    • Journal 3X / Week (Handwritten)
    • Start and Complete Senior Fitness Certification
    • Complete 1st Obstacle Race (Long Term at lest 1 every 5 years for the rest of my life)
    • Enter and Qualify for the National Veterans Art Contest/Festival

    • I will greet each new day as a gift given to me personally by my creator, with the instruction to "Look for me in all that you see, Do what you think I would have you do."
    • I will overcome at least one of my inner obstacles.
    • I will be a better friend.
    • For those I lead I will lead from the front. For those I follow I will do so with loyalty, and with my best effort. For those I serve it will be with dignity, compassion, and respect.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy New Year!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    • I will greet each new day as a gift given to me personally by my creator, with the instruction to "Look for me in all that you see, Do what you think I would have you do."
    • I will overcome at least one of my inner obstacles.
    • I will be a better friend.
    • For those I lead I will lead from the front. For those I follow I will do so with loyalty, and with my best effort. For those I serve it will be with dignity, compassion, and respect.

    I love this list! It speaks a lot to who you are as a person - someone I am glad to know a bit.

    My biggest goal is a process goal rather than an outcome goal. I set myself a 100-day gong of at least 10 pushups per day, starting today (Jan 1). So far, so good!

    Right now my Nike running app shows 210 runs at a total of 713 miles. I'm a fair weather runner, but would like to get that up to 300 runs and 1000 miles by the end of the year, with at least 10 of those runs 5 miles or longer. Since it is below 30 degrees outside, I won't be starting today!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Kris, I really really want to be able to do one chin up. I've never done one, even as a kid, and I keep working to that end. I can do them with band assists (lots of bands), but am nowhere close to an unassisted one. That lack of the ability to pull myself up was the biggest issue for the Tough Mudder!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    I have a lot of minor goals, but overall it's just this.

    Set an example worth following.

    In health as well as fitness and everything.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Loving everyone's goals. Made me smile:)


    It took me forever to do a pull up. For the life of me I could not figure out why I couldn’t do one. It became an obsession. I have an assisted machine, but never really got anywhere with it. Wasn’t progressing. I have never tried band assisted. This led me to reading everything I could on darn pull ups. It mystified me because I was heavy into strength training and my back was probably my strongest body part next to legs (both just so happen to be my favorites:D ) Pulled out my Strength Training Anatomy book (one of my favorites) and took a look at where I should be feeling the move. Asked the boyfriend to touch that area on my back when I attempted it and voila, I was not really using it before. I had no idea. I think I was completely relying on my biceps and my shoulders which are weak. It helped tremendously and continued to have him do it. I then tried other “-ups” moves. I could do neutral grip easily and some chin ups. Kept at those and kept working at pull ups from hanging until I got it. It didn't take long after.

    Here’s a couple of articles. I love NerdFitness and the Arnold one has great info.

    I am back to square one, but think the 30 extra pounds is not helping matters. My pushups are awful now as I despise working chest and it is probably my weakest area :\
    Another one I am adding back as a goal is the evil monkey bars. I can go back and forth forever in a neutral grip, but can only make it halfway regular grip. UGH! We won’t even talk about my rope climbing skills…

    You got this!!!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks! I do use my shoulders and biceps, so this might help!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Yikes! It looks like a bunch of us are making the Tough Mudder in Las Vegas in October a goal? Not sure if I'm in...