lettuce, nuts, popcorn



  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am about 15 months out, and I am not sure when I tried lettuce again but it doesn't bother me. I usually prefer kale, and lately I have been hooked on shaved brussels sprouts from Trader Joe's. I eat nuts pretty regularly, raw cashews don't agree with me as well as other nuts, but nuts in general I am good with. I haven't tried popcorn yet. Like Pat said, I always eat my protein first before anything else, but I do love my veggies and fruits!
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 4 months out and I frequently have spinach salad. It makes me full quick so I never eat the portioned size I'm allowes, but instead about half that since I fill up so fast.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I had to wait three months before I could have lettuce and six months before I could have nuts and popcorn. No problem with any of them.