How big/small is your baby?

PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member my daughter is almost 7 months old and only 13 pounds. She is long and slim...very petite and still in a size 1 diaper.

Doctor isn't worried....says she is fine....she is a happy healthy baby. Everyone around me has younger babies who weigh almost twice as much as my baby girl. However they are boys.

Is it maybe a gender thing? I don't know...She eats like crazy, milk and solids..

I'm curious to hear about what your babies are like. :)


  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My daughter is almost 6 months and about 14 lbs. She is a tiny thing, but my husband and I are tiny. We were worried for a while though, because my niece, who is 2 months younger than her, has already surpassed her in height and weight.

    If the pediatrician isn't concerned, then I wouldn't be worried. And yes, boys tend to be bigger. My son was about 18 lbs at 7 months.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    My daughter was 6 pounds at birth. Shes 10 months now and 18.5 pounds. She is a little chunk but my son was the same way and i was the same as a baby. My son has thinned out and very lean so i am not worried about her being chubby. They both gained weight very fast and were both breastfed.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    My daughter is small... at almost 12 mos she's only 17lbs and was in the 10th% in weight at her 9 mos (45th in length). She still fits in 9 mos and 12 mos are baggy and she turns 1 on 6/15. My son Max was always in the 70-80th percentile as a baby and at least one size ahead. He's slowed down now at 3 and a half, but he was a much bigger baby. It could be gender... or they may just take after different members of the family. My husband is tall and skinny and I'm short and stout...
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I've got a little peanut too. Cate is almost 7 months and 13 lb 15 oz.. Dr isn't worried. She moved up from the the 7th to the 10th percentile :) She's eating, active and healthy. However we did move her up to size 2 diapers to try and avert some explosions! It's been pretty successful so far!
  • sunnydayz71
    sunnydayz71 Posts: 44 Member
    My son is 5 months old and at his 4 month check up was 13 lbs. I just moved him up to size two diapers b/c he always seems to poop out of his diaper but they are too big. He was around 7 lbs at birth. I think he might be considered small for a boy? not sure. People (the general public) seem to think he's younger than he is and always seem surprised when I tell them his age.
  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member
    My boys were/are HUGE babies.

    My sixth month old was measured in the 110% percentile in length and weight. He is 25 lbs and over 74 centimetres long (29 inches). He is wearing size 24 month clothes and should be in a size 5 diaper, but I'm trying to use up the rest of the 4s. Sometimes I'm a little self-conscious of his size, but the doctors say he is totally thriving. He just started solid foods, but up to this point he was exclusively breastfed. I get comments constantly about his size and people always assume he is older than he is, so I also get comments about why he can't do certain things (like standing unassisted or using a spoon etc). It can be tiring.

    His older brother was in the 99th percentile up until a year old. Now at 2.5 yo, he is exactly in the 50th for weight and 75th for height.

    My husband is 6'6" and I'm 5'10. We are big people I guess. :smile:
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I have a ridiculously tall and slim baby - he's 7 months old, 31.5" tall, and weighs 19lbs. People always think he's over a year old, and I have a hard time finding clothes that fit him properly!

    My doctor said that some babies are just meant to be on the slim side, and it's probably just genetics.
  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    My son is already a little chunk- he weighs 11 pounds and isn't even 2 months old yet, but he is breastfed. I've heard that can make babies weigh more than formula-fed babies. His cousin was only 15 pounds at 6 months though, and my sister's pediatrician isn't worried about his weight at all- and that kid eats a ton!

    As long as they are gaining weight and not losing weight or staying the same weight, I've heard it's ok. If your baby is losing weight as they grow, that's when you should let your pediatrician know.

    I will say that I babysat a little girl who was so small that when she was 4 and her brother was 2, he was bigger than she was, but that was because he body had trouble processing gluten. Once the family and their doctors figured that out, they went gluten-free, and she started growing a lot.
  • Crys483
    Crys483 Posts: 18
    My son is 8.5 months and he is 19lbs, but he is long too 31". I wouldn't worry too much, it's more about each individual baby following their own growth curve. So if your LO is growing at a steady pace then she's fine!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    My little man is a chunk! He's 5.5 months and weighs 17 lbs. He's average height and weight so I'm not worried :) oh and he's in size 3 diaper. Every baby is different, that's for sure!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My little girl is a few days shy of 7 months. At her 6 month check-up (which was late and done at 6.5 months) she was 15.5 lbs (32%), and I can't remember her height off the top of my head but I know she's 69%. She wears a size 3 diaper, and clothes vary by brand. She has 6-12m clothes that are perfect, some are too big, others too small (short). She is roughly the same size as her 9 month old girl cousin, and my friend's nearly 4 month old boy is bigger.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    my son is 4months old and he's 14lbs3oz, they also measured him to be 27.5 inches long (i think they messed up, he was fidgeting) he wears size 2 diapers
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    My son is 4.5 months and weighs 15.5lbs!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't think it's a gender thing- both of my girls have been in the 50-75th percentile for most their lives :) My youngest weight 16 lbs at her 6 month...just prolly take after their parents as babies, that's all!
  • coloradokat78
    coloradokat78 Posts: 268 Member
    My 6 month old is 20lbs lbs 2.5 oz and 29.50 inches long. At 3 months he was only 13 pounds, all he had a huge growth spurt a little later then many babies. I think all babies are different. My Doctor has a always been more concerned about weather they follow a curve or do they keep losing.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    My daughter at her last appt when she was 4 months she was 14lbs 14oz and 24.5" long and they had her in the 40th percentile which is odd for me because my son was huge he was 18lbs at 4 months and over 30" long. To me I think she is small because of what I have to compare her too. I am a firm believer in if the doctor isn't worried neither am I. Its when they worry that I begin to panic.
    She is 5.5 months now and I haven't weighed her since but she still wears 0-3 months in some and 3-6 months in other brands and in carters clothes she is in 6 months(for some reason carters clothes run small).
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My daughter is 3.5 months and 12.6 lbs and long. she was tiny at birth. Full term and 5lbs 12oz but was avg length so she looked really skinny. I was so worried about it but drs said she was fine and she's still under avg for weight but growing fine.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    My son is already a little chunk- he weighs 11 pounds and isn't even 2 months old yet, but he is breastfed. I've heard that can make babies weigh more than formula-fed babies.

    Actually it's the other way around. Formula fed babies tend to weigh more on average from what I've read.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    My son is already a little chunk- he weighs 11 pounds and isn't even 2 months old yet, but he is breastfed. I've heard that can make babies weigh more than formula-fed babies.

    Actually it's the other way around. Formula fed babies tend to weigh more on average.

    I had always heard that to be true, too, that formula fed babies tend to weigh more.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Miles was 9lb3oz when he was born, around 14 at 2 month, 18 at 4 months, and I'm sure he's at least 20 at 6 months...his appointment is 6/7 so we will see. He gets breastmilk so who knows. I though I read that breastfed babies weigh more in the first 6 months and then it evens out or something...who long as our babes are healthly :)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    At 6 months my son was 17 lbs and 27 inches. He will be 7 months on Thursday.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Teddy was in the lower percentile range for his first few appointments, but has grown steadily and is at about 14 and a half pounds now, at 5 and a half months. I was worried that he was so small at first, but he's definitely catching up, weight-wise. He's still on the shorter side...I think they said 8th percentile in height at his last appointment. I'm curious to see what the stats are at his 6-month appointment in a few weeks.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    My daughter is 4.5 months and on my home scale was about 16lbs going on Monday for a well visit so i'll see how accurate it was.. All my kids were breastfeed and they were all really really chubby babies. always in the 90th percentile for their weight. and between 70-90th for their height.. they lean out as soon as they start crawling and walking.
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    My son weighed 13 lb 9 oz at his 2 month check up. He's almost 12 weeks now, but I'm not sure what he weighs. He's definitely a chunky kid. I love it!
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    My 21 month old is about 27 pounds. My 3 week old is 5.10 pounds. She's a preemie.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    at 5 weeks my baby boy is 12 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long! he was 8.2 at birth
  • love2lift_85
    love2lift_85 Posts: 356 Member
    My little girl is 8 lbs 12 oz at 2 weeks old.
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    Both of my babies were almost 11 lbs at birth & reached 20 lbs by 6 months. Chunky monkeys!
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Mine was 7 lbs when he was born, but he's 19 lbs now. He's 4 months old. He's in the 98th percentile for weight, head circumference, and length. He's in size 3 diapers (almost size 4) and 6/9 month clothes (sometimes 12 months).

    He's my little gordito...
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    It s definetly not gender related. I exclusively bf my babies for 5.5 months when I introduced solid. My son born with 7 lb 4 oz, and was hitting 20 lb by 7 months of age. My daugher was just a bit shy of 7 lb at birth and she is 18 lb at 6 month. They birthweightn was just below 50% , but climed to the 75% by the 2 month checkup and stayed their during the infancy.

    My pedi said no matter if they slim or chubby, if they grow in a steady speed along their own growth curve. Even if they are on the 10th % range but following the growth pattn of that size it is ok. They see a problem if the baby dropping on the growth curve. For example a baby was 50% , then it drops to 25 it is a warning. If the baby weight drops again to the 10% curve, it is failure to thrive. However if the baby always was small and keep following the 10% curve , it is fine.

    Same thing with climbing on the curve .if a baby jumps curves twice in a row, it may be a sign for over feeding.