Low carb adaptations.
Posts: 21
Cinnamon rolls anyone? A Facebook friend of ours was showing off his cooking skills with pics of freshly baked churros. We, in an effort to make something that would satisfy the cinnamon cravings set off by his post, developed a low carb breakfast roll. We took the a basic recipe for Revolution rolls (Atkins type), but added cinnamon and Sugar Free Vanilla Torrani Syrup to the yolk mixture. Baked per recipe, then brushed with cinnamon as they came out of the oven. Cheat Day with no cheating! Not really trying to provide a recipe, but pointing out that there is more than one way around a craving if you are creative. Breakfast for me worked out to be 289 calories, 2 grams carb for six rolls.
They sound yummy Jonny! Now I want a cinnamon roll:)0
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