VSG Revision?



  • therejohn
    therejohn Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I am new to MFP and strongly considering VSG. I have a few questions for anyone who is willing to answer:
    What is DS?
    How did you choose sleeve over lap band?
    When your weight loss slowed down post-sleeve, was it like trying to lose weight before your surgery? Or more difficult than that?
    Is "6 months of extremely fast weight loss" typical? For some reason I thought it was a year.
    Any advice is welcome!

    1. I believe DS is short for duodenal switch, another type of weight loss surgery.
    2. I chose the sleeve over the band based on surgeon recommendation (for the amount I needed to lose = 170 pounds), because I did not want to deal with the port and infection risk, and because I know people who had it and went to the sleeve or bypass for lack of success.
    3. Everyone is looses differently, I have lost more than some and less then others. My doc told me 6 months is the magic number because the hunger returns at that point. Post op attitude and diet are MAJOR factors in loss too. We need to remember the sleeve is not a magic answer. We need to change what, how and why we eat to achieve long term success. Eating the way we did before surgery only in smaller portions will not likely return big results or sustained loss.

    Good luck!