Staying Fit and Toned while pregnant

BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
Hi Ladies, I am going to ask my midwife at the next appointment, but until then (it's almost a month away), I wanted to post here and see what y'all thought.
A bit of a back story, I was 118 when I got pregnant and was really fit and toned and have been exercising more consistantly this pregnancy (this is my second) than the first time around. I am a little over 18 weeks and I have gained 12 pounds. according to everything I've seen, that is more than what I am supposed to. Now, of course I want to stay healthy, but at the same time, I am trying to stay on the low but healthy end of the weight gain. We also eat a strict diet. No cow dairy (only goat or soy, almond, etc.), no processed flours or sugars, and we rarely ever go outside of this diet. For memorial weekend we did though, but I didn't gain anything, so it wasn't the crappy eating that caused the weight gain. I am doing cardio 3-4 times a week plus strength and weight training. I am currently at 130-131 depending on when I weigh myself. thoughts? Thanks everyone!


  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Well done for being so active. I try to stick to a primal diet but a few weeks back I fell off the wagon for a weekend and put on 3 kg in one week. Crazy. Lost 1.5 kg almost straight away went I sorted my diet out but that was me then 13lbs gain at 18 weeks and like you I want to keep that low. Now my back/hips are playing up so getting to the gym is getting harder and I am feeling more tired. Still I'm now 20wks and back up to what I weighed a few weeks ago. Its tough.