gaining too much yet really active...

BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
Hi Ladies, I am going to ask my midwife at the next appointment, but until then (it's almost a month away), I wanted to post here and see what y'all thought.
A bit of a back story, I was 118 when I got pregnant and was really fit and toned and have been exercising more consistantly this pregnancy (this is my second) than the first time around. I am a little over 18 weeks and I have gained 12 pounds. according to everything I've seen, that is more than what I am supposed to. Now, of course I want to stay healthy, but at the same time, I am trying to stay on the low but healthy end of the weight gain. We also eat a strict diet. No cow dairy (only goat or soy, almond, etc.), no processed flours or sugars, and we rarely ever go outside of this diet. For memorial weekend we did though, but I didn't gain anything, so it wasn't the crappy eating that caused the weight gain. I am doing cardio 3-4 times a week plus strength and weight training. I am currently at 130-131 depending on when I weigh myself. thoughts? Thanks everyone!


  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Your story sounds similar to mine, but my goal weight was higher. I am at 20 weeks and up 10 or 11 pounds. The last two weeks I gained 2 pounds each. I have a very similar workout scheudle to you and eat almost completely "clean". I am assuming this is what my body needs to do. I am still much better off than I was my last pregnancy and I continue to remind myself of that because it is hard to watch the scale climb that fast when you are putting in so much effort to be healthy.

    I re-evaluate my calorie goals to make sure I am eating enough and also make sure I am watching portions. My body can do the rest and I am trying to surrender some control, though that is hard. I am finding the transformation to be more difficult than I expected this time, even though I thought I was physically and mentally prepared for it.

    It sounds to me like you are doing awesome and maybe your body is just doing what it needs to do right now. You could very well end up with lower gains for a period of time and end up in the normal range. It is so hard to tell!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I was up at least 20 lbs by 20 weeks even though I never increased calories and work out daily. I think that everyone is different and even though still at 33 weeks I eat less now than when i wasnt pregnant, I have gained 40 lbs :sad: I track everything, but the same thing happened with my first pregnancy, and unless you are grossly overeating, you will just gain what you will gain. Hormones are crazy little things! :laugh:

    I dont think 10lbs is alot at all considering you aren almost halfway through your pregnancy. It sounds like you are doing great!
  • wonderflair
    wonderflair Posts: 19 Member
    If you started out fit, and are maintaining good eating and exercise habits, you really need to not worry about the number on the scale. Your body will gain the proper amount for you, reserving what it needs to grow a healthy baby and to sustain you through the work of birth and the postpartum period.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    You will also go through growth spurts- I would gain 3lbs in 1 week and then have weeks of no gain- I even wound up gaining and losing the same 2 lbs for about 6 weeks straight (week 27-33)! Pregnancy weight is so confusing to me and I really believe that your body does what it needs to do. Make sure you're drinking a ton of water to avoid the sodium induced water weight.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm so happy I saw this post I really needed this today. I am almost 18 weeks and have gained about 15 pounds. I know in the beginning I wasn't eating great because of the nausea, but I feel like I am back on track now with clean eating and workouts.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I love this thread, because you are all so supportive and see things the right way. That our bodies will do what they will do and as long as we make healthy choices we're good. I really dislike my OBGYN, but I like the fact that he doesn't focus on a number but rather on a lifestyle. I'm 13 weeks and was up nearly 5 lbs but after going off support meds a week ago I'm now up only 1. It'll be what it'll be.... but by eating right most of the time and exercising (mostly walking and strength training) I hope to have as healthy and as happy of a pregnancy as possible.
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    I have been trying not to freak myself out as well. I went into this pregnancy (my second) very fit and happy with my body. I usually am pretty good about staying within my calories and still maintain a pretty active lifestyle (boxing, running, lifting, riding bikes with my kiddo). Even though I am making the effort, I am up 7 lbs at 10 weeks! I think a lot of it is in my hips and boobs, (which my husband doesn't mind, lol) but it is still disappointing.

    I have heard from soooo many people that if you were fairly fit to begin with, you try to eat right and exercise, the weight comes off so much easier than if you werent active during your pregnancy. I have a friend that gained 50 lbs with her second (stayed active) and lost every bit of it within one month! **this is not a skin and bones kind of girl, either.

    I totally agree with everyone.... our bodies are going to do what they are going to do. Do your part and try not to stress, a happy Mama is a happy baby, and that's what really matters :wink:
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Don't worry about that number!! You are watching what you eat and staying active and that is all that matters. I've gained 10lbs and I'm only 15 weeks. My midwife said that was very good. I gained 50lbs with all 3 of my boys and I'm shooting for the 35lbs mark. I talked to her about calorie intake and I think I have a pretty good number to stick with throughout the 2nd trimester. I agree that your body will do what it wants, so don't concentrate on that number on the scale.