Introduce yourself

stevew_68 Posts: 126 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Hi, I'm Steve and I'm from Newcastle. ( sounds like an AA group introduction lol ). I'm originally from a place on the coast called Whitley Bay. Feel free to add me. I suffer from a few chronic back problems which limits me to what exercise I can do, but I am determined on losing all this excess baggage. It would be great to have a nice busy group here of people from the North East. If any of you are on Fitbit, my name on there is stevew_68. Would be fun to do challenges against local people as well as people from elsewhere.


  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member
    I lived in London for 27 years but moved up to North East 3 years ago when I felt like I needed a change in my life. I jacked in my job, put everything in storage and jumped on a train with me suitcase. Three years on and I'm still living in South Shields and love it. Just wished I'd moved sooner. I'm fortunate enough not to have much weight to lose, my main area to work on is my beer belly which has slowly been growing over last few years.
  • stevew_68
    stevew_68 Posts: 126 Member
    Middle age spread. Yep I know that one