Anyone here do IF in any form?

ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
I am not doing the classic or strict version - I have no problems with gluten and I am not cutting out all carbs - but I am going back to a 16-8 plan as I've had the most success with that in the past. I kind of stumbled on this by accident - I find that if I eat in the morning, I am starving uncontrollably all day; but if I don't eat until about noon, I can control my intake pretty well. The other thing I do is avoid sugary and high glycemic foods. I don't cut them out entirely, just eat them very sparingly. Weirdly, the less I eat them, the less I want them.

The holidays were terrible for this of course, with sugar sugar sugar everywhere and I gained ten pounds :( So I'm trying to get back on track.


  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Physiology I love the idea, but my body doesn't respond well to this method, without breakfast I never lose a pound, despite the fact if given the choice I wouldn't eat until noon.

    That being said, if it works for you go for it! :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I've done it off and on occasionally. I seem to cycle around between wanting to eat breakfast and not wanting to, which ends up putting me in a 16:8 cycle or thereabouts. I don't generally strive for it though (not because I'm against it or anything, just because it doesn't always work for me).

    I do do low carb, though, and it's no surprising that the less you eat sugar, the less you want it. It's a quite common side effect of eating low carb or at least low sugar. :)
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    I had huge success with 16-8 IF. I lost weight and got pregnant naturally doing it so I'm a big fan. I coupled it with low carb (150 net, so not too low), made sure to stay hydrated, and followed the TDEE method of calorie counting. I don't do it anymore, but I'd recommend looking at some of the IF ladies groups on here. GL!